Reunited: Part 5

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Part 5

Alex woke with a panic, when he realized he was back at the dojo he was relieved. He looked around the room he was in, he wasn't in the dorm. He was in a spare room that was hardly used, with a single bed. Directly in front of him was the door, wide open. To his right was a night stand with a lamp and to his left was a zabuton; Raelyn was sitting on it reading a book.

He groaned as he tried to move his stiff body, it was obviously not a good idea. It felt like he had been hit with a truck. Rae looked up when she heard him.

"You're awake!" She said jumping up and coming to his side.

"How long have I been out?" He asked, his voice groggy.

"A couple days. How do you feel?" She helped him sit up and propped more pillows behind him.

He sighed. "Like I have a bruised rib or two, or maybe four. But I can't remember the last time I slept this good," he grinned. "So...what happened while I was asleep?"

"We managed to take down Grant tech, for good. The authorities have it locked down, well what's left of it," Rae grinned. "Melissa escaped, so did Richard, Aiden and who knows how many of their goons. Also the commissioner informed us that two cases of weapons from the inventory were missing."

"That can't be good.

Rae shook her head. "But there is an APB out for all three of them. If they make the slightest slip up, we'll get them."

"I have to admit, I think I'll sleep better knowing my dad is locked up."

Rae cleared her throat. "I have to tell you something, I know it's probably not what you want to hear..."


Rae hesitated. "Your dad, he wanted me to tell you he was sorry."

Alex clenched his fist and his eyes flickered purple for a second. "You're right, it's not what I wanted to hear. He didn't mean it."

"But I think he did. He saved my life. Maybe he could change."

"I don't want to talk about it," he sighed. "I'm just happy to be back here. With you," he grinned slightly

Rae smiled back, their eyes locked for a long moment.

Alex broke the silence. "What about your mom? You didn't tell me what happened after you left."

"Oh, uh," she mumbled. "I didn't get to see her. I was really close but then Aoi told me I had to come back here. I owe so much to her, if I hadn't met her who knows where we'd be."

"Are you still going to look for her?"

"No. When she's ready she'll find me. And I'm ok with that. Aoi was right, my destiny or path, or whatever is here. I was wrong for thinking I could change it, because deep down I knew I shouldn't leave but I did."

Alex nodded.

"I know I already apologized but I'm really sorry for everything. Leaving you was the hardest thing I've had to do, and I was a fool to go through with it. I was just so angry and- I'm sorry."

"I'm sorry too, I let my emotions cloud my judgement. I understood why you left but I wasn't ready to say goodbye I guess."

"So we're good?" Rae questioned.

"Yes, we're good." Alex suddenly looked like he was deep in thought. "Do you really think my dad could change?"

"Yeah, I think anyone can change if they want it bad enough." She slipped her hand into his. "I think he's ready to put the past behind him, and when he does you won't have to face him alone. I'll be there. I promise."

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