The Search: Part 2

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"Ugh," Rae let out a frustrated sigh. "Where could he be?"

Cassie laid a hand on her shoulder. "We've only been looking for a week, we're going to find him."

"There has to be something we missed," Taylor said, looking over the holographic screen in front of him. A map of Ninjago was spread on it.

"Or not." Natalie crossed her arms and leaned against the wall. "Maybe he doesn't want to be found. Or maybe know." She ran a finger across her throat to show her point.

"Natalie!" Cassie exclaimed. "Don't say things like that. We have to think positive."

Natalie rolled her eyes.

"What if Nat is right?" Raelyn whispered. "What if we're too late, what if we can't help him?"

"My thoughts exactly." Natalie shrugged sheepishly. "Why not just give up right now."

"You're not helping Nat," Taylor frowned.

She threw her hands in the air. "Hey, I'm just saying. Why did you want me here anyway?"

"I thought you might have some insightful input," Taylor replied. "I guess even sensei's can be wrong."

"Ain't that a fact," Natalie sassed.

"Can we just focus? Please," Rae sighed. Natalie glanced at her then dropped her gaze but said nothing.

One week they had been searching, but they found nothing. Not one clue. It was as if Alex had fallen off the face of the earth. It was her fault, maybe if she had come back sooner they would have found him by now.

"You know what," Cassie said, breaking the silence. "Let's take a break. We've been in this stuffy room all day. Let's go to the city and try out that new restaurant Amaya keeps telling us about."

Raelyn opened her mouth to protest. The more time they spent elsewhere the less time they would spend looking for Alex. But as much as she wanted to stay, she did need a break, and some food. "Ok, let's go." She said.

"Sounds good to me," Taylor agreed.

"Whatever." Nat rolled her eyes.

They arrived at the simple restaurant and sat at a table. They each ordered what they wanted and as they waited for their food, Cassie spotted a familiar face.

"Hey," she said, nudging Taylor. "Is that Amaya coming inside?"

"Sure is," Taylor replied, following Cassie's gaze. "What a coincidence."

"Coincidence?" Rae whispered to herself. "Huh." She wasn't so sure she believed in coincidences.

"Let's invite her over." Cassie said, excitedly pulling on Taylor's sleeve.

"Alright." Taylor waved Amaya over as she glanced their way. Amaya immediately started for their table.

"Hey there!" Amaya greeted. "Finally decided to give this place a try, eh?" She slid onto a chair near Natalie. "Did you guys already order?" She picked up a menu next to her.

"Yes, we're waiting for our food," Natalie replied.

"What are you guys up to today?" Amaya asked as she looked over the menu.

"You mean besides waiting for our food?" Natalie crossed her arms.

Amaya chuckled. "Yes, besides that."

"We've been looking for a friend," Taylor replied. "With no luck, I'm afraid."

"Are they missing?" Amaya asked, lowering the menu to look at Taylor and Cassie. "Who is it?"

"It's Alex, you might remember him," Taylor answered. Amaya nodded. "He seems to have disappeared."

"Or he's lying in an alley somewhere," Natalie put in. Rae gasped quietly.

"Nat don't be such a wet blanket," Cassie frowned.

"I'm just saying," Natalie frowned back.

"If there is anything I can do, let me know," Amaya said. "How long has he been missing?"

"A few weeks, I guess," Raelyn answered.

Amaya's eyes widened. "You know, I think I saw him a couple weeks ago."

Raelyn nearly jumped off her chair. "Where? Where did you see him?"

"Hold up, I said 'I think,' it might not have been him." Amaya held up a hand. She pursed her lips as she thought. "He had dark hair, and wore a leather jacket-"

"That has to be him!" Raelyn cried.

"He did look familiar..." Amaya said. "But I can't be sure it was him."

"Well, it's more than we have. Let's look into it," Taylor said with a nod. "Let's finish up here then you can take us to where you saw him." Everyone agreed. 

--Hope you enjoyed this part! leave a vote and/or comment if you did :)

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