The Plan: Part 2

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"You're kidding, right?" Raelyn asked. Her and everyone else we're looking at Taylor in bewilderment. Taylor's crazy plan had snapped her out of her panic attack. "You do realize they've seen us before. Even if we did get inside with no problem they would recognize us."

"Yes they would recognize us," Taylor grinned. "But they wouldn't recognize Amaya."

Amaya blinked in surprise. "Me?"

"Yes, I think this calls for an undercover operation," Taylor nodded.

"I knew I wouldn't like this plan," Natalie said.

"But Aiden must have seen her with us earlier," Cassie said.

"Ah, you're forgetting I pulled the mask I had around my neck over my face when we got to the alley," Amaya winked.

Taylor chuckled. "I do know what I'm talking about you know." The others took a moment to think the idea over. As crazy as it sounded they had to agree with it, they didn't have much choice. No one else had any other ideas. At this point Rae would do anything to get Alex back.

"So you have a way to get us inside?" Cassie asked. She had picked up the stun gun and was playing with it, much to Natalie's irritation.

Taylor nodded, he took the gun away from Cassie then smiled. "If you guys thought that part of the plan was crazy you're going to love this part."

"Oh boy," Natalie sighed.

"Amaya will get us in as a weapons buyer. She'll go in with two ninjas for protection, Natalie and Raelyn. They'll be wearing masks to cover their faces. Cassie will be there too, but she'll be invisible. Once inside, Cassie and Rae will switch places so Rae can look around without blowing Amaya's cover." Taylor explained.

"Ooh, sounds fun!" Cassie grinned.

"Why not let Cassie look around, no one will see her," Rae asked.

"Because you can phase through the walls," Taylor stated.

Raelyn shook her head. "I've only done it a couple times, I'm not ready to do it on a mission." She had only recently learned how to phase through objects, and if she didn't get it right- best case scenario she'd hit the wall at an alarming speed but be fine; worst case she could end up getting stuck in the wall.

"I believe you can do it," Taylor said. "We're all counting on you."

Rae took a deep breath and nodded but she was still not fully confident.

"A buyer's gonna need something to buy the weapons with," Amaya said. "What's your plan for that?"

"That's where Nat comes in again," Taylor replied. Somehow he had thought of everything in such a short amount of time. "We can use her crystals as the means to pay."

"Yeah well my crystals aren't worth anything," Natalie said.

"They don't have to be," Rae observed. "Because Grant won't know that. Taylor you're a genius."

Taylor grinned. His plan was coming together. Now they had to execute it and get Alex back before it was too late. Once he was safe they could finally bring down Void and Grant Tech, something that was far overdue. 

~~~Thanks for reading~~~

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