Returning Home: Part 1

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               Raelyn sat at a Kotatsu (Japanese table) in a rundown tea shop, facing a small old woman with thin white hair pulled into a tight knot atop her head. The shop was near the outskirts of Ninjago city, it stood crowded between two larger buildings that nearly hid it from view. The heat coming from the Kotatsu did little to chase the chill from the small room.

    The old woman smiled warmly, soothing Raelyn's nerves only slightly as she eyed her host. Her friendly nature was unexpected. Her face shown with the wisdom of many years but still had youthful spirit. She lifted a hand painted tea pot and began to pour the hot liquid into the pot's matching teacups. She handed Raelyn a cup of tea then took a sip from her own cup.

    Raelyn wrapped her cold hands around her cup and lifted it toward her mouth. She immediately set it back down as her hands began to shake, portraying her uneasiness. The old lady, Aoi, knew just how much she wanted to be elsewhere. But she also knew Raelyn had come for her help and wouldn't leave without it.

"Why have you come?" Aoi asked.

    "I was told you can help me, maybe give me some words of wisdom." Raelyn said quietly as she played with her fingers then sipped her tea as she waited for a reply.

    "Many seek my help, but few are willing to heed it." Aoi replied. "Tell me your thoughts, dear."

    "I-I'm looking for someone, but I haven't had any success in locating her. I don't know why, but everything has pointed here." She said, talking faster as she continued. "Everything, and I mean everything. She mentioned your name in her journal. She had your tea in her house. Then complete strangers talked about you to me and," She paused. "And then the dreams started, they only got worse, I would see this shop and her in visions, as real as I'm seeing you right now. What does it mean?" Her eyes pleaded for answers.

"It means," Aoi leaned forward. "That you are supposed to be here."


"Because I know your mother," Aoi replied.

     Raelyn gasped.

    "And because your path is unclear to you, and I must show you the way. You know this to be true," Aoi said watching Raelyn intently.

"Yes," Raelyn felt herself nodding in spite of her mixed feeling. "I think." She shook her head and sighed. "I'm not sure of anything anymore. Not since I left Ninjnerds; my friends, my sensei."

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