The Day of The Black Sun [Part 1]

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The boulder held up his hand, "Excuse me. The Boulder is confused. Isn't the point to invade during the eclipse? When the fire benders are powerless?" Hakoda explained, "The eclipse only lasts eight minutes. Not enough time for the whole invasion. And the royal palace is heavily guarded by the fire benders. So that's where we'll need the eclipse advantage the most. When this is finished, the Avatar would have defeated the Fire Lord. We would have control over the Fire Nation capital. And this war will be over!" Everyone cheered as Sokka looked a little down since he was not able to tell everyone the plan. 

For the next half hour everybody got ready for the invasion. (Y/N) was putting armor on Rody, giving the ostrich horse protection while letting him still run as fast as he could. When it was time everybody got on their designated ships, for all of them to set sail towards the Fire Nation capital. It took some time until Hakoda's second in command spotted a large statue of the Fire Lord standing high above the water. With two golden dragon statues on each side of it, "There they are. The great gates of Azulon." Katara was standing next to her dad, "I don't see any gates." Hakoda put his hand on his daughter's shoulder, "Katara, you and the swamp benders whip up a fog cover." A swamp bender smirked, "We'll sneak by that statues just like we sneaked by that fire navy blockade."

Katara and the swamp benders started using their bending to create a fog, for Hakoda to look around, "Keep it up, we're almost through." Alarms then rung for two large nets to come up between the two dragons and the statue of the Fire Lord. The nets caught on fire making a large fire blockade on the water, as the rebels heard motor boats come from the gates towards them. This forced everyone to go down to  the bottom of the boat to hide, as Hakoda smiled at Sokka, "Let's hope that your invention works." The Fire Nation soldiers boarded the ships to find out that nobody was on board on any of the ships. 

All of the invaders were in submarines that went under the burning gate, with Appa following them as he had an air bubble around his head. (Y/N) was in the main submarine leading the pack. He sat with Rody to keep him comfort from the unusual feeling of traveling underwater. Next to him was Toph, who was throwing up in a helmet due to her apparent sea sickness. Katara was using her water bending, with a few of the swamp benders, to make the submarine move under the water. Sokka was with his dad as they made sure that they were on course, while Aang rode on Appa's head.

Somewhere Near the Royal Palace

Ty Lee was wearing a cloak around her with her hood up, as she was currently walking through a prison as she bribed a few guards to not tell anyone that she was there. She then walked into Iroh's room to smile and wave, "Hello uncle Iroh!" Iroh smiled seeing her as he was sitting on the ground eating a bowl of rice, "Ty Lee. It is good to see you again." Ty Lee in front of Iroh, "I see that female guard gave you some extra rice." Iroh nodded, "Yes she did. Along with my favorite tea." "That is wonderful." Ty Lee pulled out a few rice cakes from her cloak, "I brought you some of these to add some flavor to your meal." Iroh patted his stomach, "Oh I'm full I couldn't eat another bite. You should take them with you. You don't know when you'll find food again when running away."

Ty Lee laughed nervously, "I thought you would figure it out." "The bow and arrows on your back hidden by your cloak gave it away." Ty Lee looked behind her, "Do they really stick out that much? I thought that I was hiding them well." She started messing with the weapons to try hiding them better, for Iroh to smile at her antics, "Where will you go?" Ty Lee looked at him as she let her bow be, "Well I'm going to try and find (Y/N)." "How will you do that?" Ty Lee gave a smile, "I did not get that far." The two chuckled from that for Iroh to be the first to finish, "If so, you should get going." "You're right. I just wanted to say goodbye one last time." "We will see each other again. It is only a matter of time." Ty Lee stood up to put her hood over her head, "Until next time Uncle Iroh." She then left for her to sneak out of the prison and head away from the Royal Palace. As she was walking away from the Royal Palace she heard sirens going off signaling an attack. 

The Prodigy's Twin (Avatar The Last Airbender x Male Reader) [Hiatus]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon