Something shattered in the distance. I screamed and whirled around. The mirror in our bathroom had been shattered all over the floor. A bloody handprint on one of the pieces that remained intact. I cautiously entered the bathroom. My heart racing.

"I'm ba-ack!" The voice called in a sing-song voice.

"Who's there?!" I cried, my head snapping back and forth, trying to find the source of the voice.

"I think you would recognize my voice! I mean, we shared a body for a month after all." She sounded offended. I felt my throat tighten and tears well up in my eyes.

"Belle! Show yourself!" I shrieked. The candle in the far corner of the bathroom blew out. Submitting me into total darkness. I stumbled around. I could hear movement. I felt tiny pieces of glass beneath my bare feet. Suddenly the candle's re-lit themselves casting barely enough light for me to see. Belle's new face was inches from mine. I shrieked and stumbled backwards, landing on the broken shards of glass. I felt them dig into my skin. Tearing away the layers of flesh until blood seeped out onto the tile floors. Belle held something in her arms.

"Hello." She chuckled and cradled the figure in her arms.

"Evelyn!" I sobbed and lunged forward. She held her hand out as if she was holding an imaginary cup and I felt my throat close up.

"I wouldn't take another step if I were you. Naddr and I have been practicing." She warned. My eyes watered as my lungs heaved for air. I clawed at my throat, but the force strangling me was invisible, imaginary. "Hmmm..." She pondered. I felt my throat beginning to lose the tension constricting it. "I think this child will suit Naddr." There was a flash of bright light as I lunged forward.

"No!" I sobbed as I wrapped my arms around thin air. They were gone. I landed hard on more shards of glass. The sliced my skin apart. "Belle! Stop!" I cried but she was long gone. Maybe back in Jotunheim, who knows where she could be.

I woke up, shaking and sobbing. My hands were dripping blood. It was smeared all over my dress and face, I could smell it. The stench stuck to my nostrils. Making my stomach heave. I sobbed and looked around. My nose was bleeding and my throat ached. I heard grass crunching behind me. I whirled around saw Fay, Loki, Thor, Frigga, Fandral, and Sif sprinting towards me. Practically the entire breakfast party.

"Oh my god! Aislin! What happened!" Fay cried and dropped to her knees next to me. She held my face in her hands but I just shook my head and sobbed. Fandral and Thor were on their knees next.

"What happened? Were you attacked?" I tasted metallic in my mouth. I turned to the side and spit blood into the grass.

"Aislin, please tell us what happened!" Sif begged. Frigga began dabbing her dress against my cheek. The scratches that were almost completely healed had managed to split back open. They kept asking what happened, but honestly, I didn't even know. Was it the dream? Was it really that powerful?

"Aislin! Answer us dammit!" Fandral snapped and gripped my jaw roughly. I shrieked and then someone's hand shot out and yanked Fandral's arm away by his wrist. Loki bent Fandral's hand backwards with so much force and so quickly, I swear I heard Fandral's wrist snap.

I had stopped crying but I was still in shock. I couldn't take my eyes off of my blood covered hands. They were trembling so hard I could barely make out where my fingers started and my palm stopped. Thor scooped me up in his warm arms, I buried my face in his chest, the cool metal armor stinging my wounds.

I soon felt something soft against my shoulder blades. I was in the infirmary. I felt my heart lurch and my breathing speed up. Too many bad memories were associated with this room. I stared at the ceiling, someone was clutching my hand. There was talking in the background, a snapping sound by my ears.

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