Oh, yes! Last year around, December. I was over working myself I wanted to finish ‘Emotions’ so bad. I slept late and so on! But later on, I took a break to refresh my mind and came back to it and wow! I enjoyed all the poems I penned down! Most authors experience it, I think. But they should just learn that it's common and handle it well.

Yup, that's true. Breaks are a must indeed. Have you tried to interact with your readers as well, in your poetic journey?

Oh, yes! I have interacted with several of them from different countries around the globe and we share a strong bond.
Some became my family and I adore them so much! I now have a strong family in Jamaica shauna.

Wow! You are right. How they become our own, we don't even know that. As in your all poems which is really close to your heart?

Hehe! We writers are like spirits. We pose a power that sparks flames within the souls of our readers, we cast a spell upon them and they eventually fall for us abruptly and we connect deeply till then! I mostly think of writers as ‘angels’ that stand in the absence of a bandage to cover up a cut. Lol

You couldn't have described it better than that. Absolutely amazing! So, poets do bleed on paper, and it's ultimately become an art of poetry. I think imagination plays big role in it. So, do you think music helps you to create atmosphere? Or is there something else?

Oh thanks for appreciating! Oh! Yes! Poets do bleed on paper and the tears are converted into pills that heal the wound. Hmm, Yes. Imagination is what gives birth to a well written and thought about poem. Yes, music helps me to create atmosphere that all ages, widely consumed and even the blind can hear it. I'm also a musician so my lyrics are poetic. So poems are actually the lyrics that musicians sing to the audience instead of them reading it by themselves, now it's being sung for them. Lol

The way, you described everything, it's actually good. Now, I can see your readers actually enjoy your work a lot. So, is there any particular author, you like most? And you like to recommend it to your readers?

Thanks! They are many but DAPHAROAH69 inspires me a lot and his books are amazing and educative! Please check him out.

Oh, is he on Wattpad too?

Yes. You really should check out his books.

I would love to. Thanks for the recommendation. So, as you have mentioned his books are educative and amazing, what do you like most in his books? What's actually the turning point for you?

I love his descriptions, writing style, creativity, vocabulary and message. My turning point is his unique style of sparking emotions out of the reader.

That's actually very motivational. I know, you are an amazing poet. I can actually interpret from your writing. But have you ever faced negative feedback?

Thanks for the compliment. Yes, I have. Some judges are just so rude in their reviews on your book and can make you give up or delete that book. I have faced this before and had to delete the book. But now I have learnt to stick my lane and respect their opinion about my work. Not everyone will read and appreciate my work which is okay, the few who appreciate will keep me moving.

Ah! That's really awful to be honest. But at the end, you are right. There are some people who keep motivating you to write, that's all that matters. Do you accept constructive criticism?

Yes, I do cause I wanna improve my writing skills and grow. Every good writer was once an amateur. I'm always ready and willing to learn from those willing to give me their time and pass on the knowledge and skill they possess. I always welcome constructive criticism with open arms.

That's really nice of you. It's very necessary as a writer. It's enchanted your writing even more. What do you think, as a poet, we should know most?

I think you should all know that, ‘Every color that participates in shading a colorful picture is important to the artist’.

Wow! An intense yet so beautiful message indeed. What do you think, about the other forms of poetry? As we know, there are many variations.

Thanks! I think that just like we have our favorite meal doesn’t mean that other food items are bad for consumption, and so are the forms of poetry. Every poet has their favorite out of the different forms. It depends on how he/she sharpens the axe to cut the tree.

You are absolutely right. Every form has beautiful colour. Be it a sonnet or concrete or limerick or acrostic. So, have you had any other plan to write in these forms in future?

Oh, yes! I have. I want to write in ABC, ballad and sonnet in future. I feel like all the readers have their favorite form so they need to get a balanced diet and it's always good to challenge yourself to do new things.

Yup! You are right, challenge yourself to do better. Is there any particular poem you’d like to dedicate to your readers?

Oh! There are many but ‘Fear’ is special, they should check it out in ‘Emotions’.

That's really nice. I'm sure there will be some special message for them. As you have said, you're a musician as well, so do you think poetry has an impact on our real life?

Yes, I think poetry has a stronger impact on our real life cause we're poetry itself. Poetry blends our everyday life into an art work to educate, inspire and motivate us day by day. It's something we consume daily unknowingly. That's the beauty of art. Hehe

Exactly. That's the beauty of art. Converting your wild imaginations into words, is indeed an art. Within the ending note, a last question about yourself. Which poem(s) do you think you aced among all of your poems?

Haha! This is a tricky one but I think in ‘Father’ and ‘Masturbation’, I aced them. Though I love all my poems cause I'm their father and gave them life. Lol

True indeed. You have created them into the name of poesia.

That's all. With that note, our interview ends right here. It was a great pleasure to meet you and talk to you. Thanks for having me. I want to congratulate and thank you once again from the whole team of CLN.

Author/Poet : DAJ2020
Interviewer : preciouspearl20
Interview Editor : sassy-weirdo

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