Chapter Four: Nico PoV

Start from the beginning

I'll have to reveal things eventually. Although, with the elf on his way, my secrets, our secrets, might be revealed sooner than wanted.

Leo has a tendency to catch on fire randomly and accidentally. Usually, the mist covers things up, but the Avengers were already able to see through the Asgardian's veil so, they might be clear-sighted at this point. So far as I can tell, the Avengers don't know Ancient Greek. It isn't an unknown language but it isn't spoken either. I'll have to let Leo know what half-truths and lies I've fed them right after I maim him for making my life more difficult.

Honestly, I liked Leo a lot. He was fascinating, and everyone knew he was brilliant. He gave me space. He'd also lost his family. He also knew what it was like to feel isolated and alone. And we both had abilities that frightened others. When I felt his death and his revival, we grew pretty close. We weren't best friends or anything, but we understood each other.

The elevator dinged, and out walked a greasy Leo, still in his extra fireproof forge clothing he'd somehow singed. When he saw the look on my face, he flinched.

I introduce him to the Avengers, "This is Leo or Repair Boy. We go to the same summer camp. Repair Boy, this is my half-brother, Chess," I grab Francesco, and at Leo's extra-wide eyes, I quickly correct myself, "We have the same mom. Francesco doesn't know who my dad is, and I don't either," I emphasize the last part in the hope that he'll understand what I'm trying to say.

Leo nods in understanding, " I don't know my dad either! But Nico, YOUR BROTHER IS AN AVENGER?! That's freaking awesome!" he turns to my brother and shakes his hand like Thor shook mine. Then, he spots Stark.

Tin Can narrows his eyes, and I'm struck by how similar they are," You're Emo kid's friend? "he raises an eyebrow.

Leo squeals and starts hyperventilating, "Tony Stark just talked to me! Nico, did you see that?" he begins jumping up and down, and his voice speeds up.

"How many skittles?" I ask, my tone brokering no room for argument.

Repair boy hesitates, "It was just two bags."

"You're bad enough with ADHD only, but do you also have to be a hyper pain on top of that?!" I groan.

Everyone watches our interaction in silence. Thor's shaking so hard from excitement, I think he might cause an earthquake. I stare him down to remind him of our agreement. Leo then begins gushing about Tony's suit, "Your design is so cool! It could use some improvements, but I built one myself off of your blueprint after I hacked into your database for fun-" he then begins dissecting Tony's mistakes. That shocks Stark into silence.

The rest of the Avengers are still motionless. When two mechanical geniuses walk away, Natalie starts her interrogation, "What did he mean when he said he hacked past Tony's security for fun? Where is this camp of yours? How is this Leo able to find errors in Stark's work? How did you lift Thor's hammer last night? Can your friend lift Mjolnir?"

I smirk at the last one, "Go ahead and find out," I motion towards Tony's lab.

As we all head there (with the stairs), I quickly mutter to Thor, "Not a word," and he smiles with an idiotic grin, giving me a thumbs up.

We stroll into the lab, and we call Leo and Tony over. I grab the hammer and toss it to Leo, "catch!" Leo catches it easily, and Tony starts cursing. I smile.


"That hammer is broken!" Stark whines.

"This hammer has a nice balance," Leo remarks, "Mjolnir is well-crafted,"

I'd forgotten Repair boy followed the news.

"I'm going to hold it," Tony announces.

Leo places it on the floor, "Be my guest!"

Stark can't lift it. Natalie can't lift it. Clint, Chess, Steve, and Bruce can't lift it. "We've saved the World! Why are they worthier than us?"

"You can't blame the Mcshizzle, the Valdezinator, the Bad Boy Supreme, for being simply awesome!" I facepalm.

"Repair Boy! Finish telling Stark what he's doing wrong, and then we need to head back to camp before Solace murders me." I sit with the rest of the Avengers until the geniuses return. Eventually, Natasha gets more information out of me, and Steve and I connect a little.

When we leave, I turn around dramatically, "Don't worry, Chess, I'll be back."

Leo bursts into fangirl flames as soon as we close the stairwell door.

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