Part 15

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Tae stop playing with my feelings, I said with Stern voice. He was silent. He simply stood up and was about to leave the room but I stopped him. He can't just leave, I need answers to my questions. I was way beyond angry on him.
He turned and walked towards me with expressionless eyes.
I looked him in the eyes and said, Is this what you wanted???
I asked him, Are you done with me now?? He didn't answered. Which was clearly making me get Even more mad.
Tell me Mr. Kim Taehyung, are you done using me??

I guess you are not anymore interested in me!!! That's why you are sending me back to that hell again

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I guess you are not anymore interested in me!!! That's why you are sending me back to that hell again. Am I right??
Speak up Taehyung!!!
Do you think everyone is like your mom?? Sorry for breaking it you but No!! Not everyone is like your mother!!!
You can't treat everyone the way you want!!
You used me, you brought me here!!!
I never asked you to get me involved in this whole situation for Gods sake!!!
You think the world revolves around you?!!!
You broke me!! But stupid me still managed to love you!! And now it's nearly killing me!!!
Still you are standing there with sealed mouth!!!
No response!!!
You know what just kill me already!!! I don't want to live a life where everyone wants to just play with my body!!! Yeah you're done now , so you will send me back to that monster so that he can again do whatever he wants to do with me. Just the way he has been doing this for all passed, I don't know how many years!!!
Only difference between you both is he played with my body and you played with my heart!!!
I was naive and a emotional stupid who thought that maybe someone will love me truly and finally protect me from the monsters who only look forward to get a women under them. Despite of being my dad he raped me not once, not twice but hundred times and look at you!! You did the same!!!
I screamed on his face. I didn't even realised that I was crying while saying all this things. I even forgot that accidentally I told him everything. Until then he was looking at me with wide eyes. I avoided his gaze and was about to leave the room but he stopped me.

 I avoided his gaze and was about to leave the room but he stopped me

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And turned me so that my back was facing him. He back hugged me for a moment and turned me to face him.
Who told you about my mom???He asked. But I remain silent. Again he started ranging in anger and
He asked me while controlling his anger,
What did he do??? How dare he touch you??? Answer me y/n!! Did he?!??
I looked at him and said, As if you care!!! And was about to leave but his grip around my wrist tighten and his eyes softned. He pulled me in for hug.

I didn't pushed him away, I needed to be held, I needed to be cared, I needed to be loved

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I didn't pushed him away, I needed to be held, I needed to be cared, I needed to be loved. As he hugged me, I started feeling safe but eventually my tears gave in. I started crying harder but he held me still and whispered in my ears, I am sorry Love!!! I also behaved like a monster!!!
I am sorry that I treated you like an asshole because of my personal wrong beliefs!!!

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