Part 2

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As you made appearance there one by one they greeted you. The one who was cooking is Seokjin; Taehyung's elder brother and the one who was sitting on dinning table with the doctor girl was Jungkook; Taehyung's best friend. And the girl with doctors coat was Myungjuna; Taehyung's younger sister also known as Doctor Kim because of her profession. She was a little bit cold just like her brother. But the other two were cheerful.
Jungkook asked you to sit with him and have breakfast and the elder one served you and with that he also sat besides you to eat. But as Doctor Kim got a call from hospital she left in hurry after grabbing her stuff.
Somehow she feels familiar.


After having breakfast I went to the living room as Jin told me that Mr.Kim Taehyung wants to see me. My heart was pounding inside my chest in fear as I don't know what will he asked me to do or what if he does something to me. He was sitting on the couch. I slowly walked towards him and he looked at me with the cold eyes. Get ready we are going somewhere, he said with rude tone. I didn't dare to ask him where are we going because his expressions were clearly pissed.
Time Skip's
In the car, whole car ride was silent. I was looking out of the window remembering the old time. He used to smile when we were in college. He was kind back then, at least I thought so. But now he is completely changed. He has become more heartless, more cold.

What happened in those 4 years which made him this much dangerous. As I was thinking my thoughts were interrupted by his cold voice. Get out of the car and please don't speak to anyone unless I say so. And most important thing don't even dare to runaway and talk with any man out there. He said while harshly holding my hand. I nodded in response. The place we were was like a family party. As we entered everyone was staring at me, I felt awkward under there sharp gazes. As if he realised my awkwardness or what he placed his hand on my waist pulling me closer. Which somehow made me feel safe. He greeted some not so old man and was talking about there businesses. After some time a man walked in front of us. As they came Taehyung immediately hugged him saying I missed you DAD!!!!! So which means he is Taehyung's dad. They broke the hug and his dad turned towards me. I immediately bowed to him. So this is Y/N, he said while looking at both of us. Taehyung nodded in response.
Taehyung's dad asked him to give both of us sometime to talk alone.
I was scared to death what will he respond or what Mr. Kim want's to talk to me. Surprisingly Taehyung left two of us alone and went to take a drink for him.

Taehyung's POV
I was having my drink, my eyes were glued on her. She was looking beautiful in every way possible. But one question was swirling in my mind, what is it which my dad wants to talk to her in private!!!! For a moment I lost her track as I was talking to other businessmans. But when I found her nowhere in the party, I went out to look for her. That's when I saw him, PARK CHANEOYAL!!!, talking to her.

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