(Updated) Chapter 13- A Small Favor

Start from the beginning

Pull yourself together Lila. He's the most popular guy in school and you're just you. It'd be smart for you to remember that!


I'm walking to fourth hour now. Everyday I look forward to this class for a couple reasons. One, English is my favorite subject and two, it's right before lunch which means I'm halfway through the school day. All my tough classes are the first part of my day so after lunch it's all a breeze. Oh yeah, and Tyler sits next to me in this class too, which doesn't hurt.

When I walk into class I find Mason and Tyler in the center of several girls from class giggling and throwing themselves at each of them. All of Tyler's adoring fans are trying to drop hints that they are still available to be his date to the upcoming homecoming dance. Out of all of them, Quinn Davis is coming on the strongest. I can't stand to watch her fawning all over Tyler so I walk across the room and take the back way to my desk.

"Alright everyone, grab your seats and let's begin. We have a lot to cover today." Mrs. Sanders calls the class to attention when the bell rings. "Today we begin our semester-long book project. Let me remind you this project is critical and will count for thirty percent of your final grade." Mrs. Sanders starts handing out packets to each row of students.

Quinn, who apparently still despises me for no good reason, tosses mine and Mason's packets over her shoulder without looking at us. I hand Mason his packet trying to ignore her.

"Hey, I need your help at lunch. I'll explain more after class." Mason whispers in my ear when he takes his packet from my hand.

"You each will need to pick a partner to work on the project with." Mrs. Sanders continues lecturing. "The list of books you can write about are on the first page of your packets. Let me remind you, who you pick to partner up with is final and will last for the whole semester so choose wisely." Mrs. Sanders not-so-discreetly cocks a brow at Tyler and Mason before she keeps explaining the project. "Because this is such a large assignment I will give you regular class time for you and your partner to work on it together. We will also have weekly peer review groups as the semester continues. I highly suggest you use the class time to work on the project and not just socialize with one another. As always, I am available for assistance as well."

"Pssst...Bruiser. Will you be my partner?" Tyler leans over to me whispering as Mrs. Sanders continues her directions to the class.

Quinn definitely just heard what Tyler asked me. She shoots an evil look in our direction. Tyler seems unphased by Quinn's disdain, still waiting for my response.

"Don't you want to be with Mason?" I whisper back when Mrs. Sanders isn't looking.

"No way. Not for thirty percent of my grade at least.... No offense buddy." Tyler whispers back knowing Mason can also hear what we're talking about.

"None taken." Mason fist bumps his friend.

"If I say yes, you better do your share of the work. I'm not writing this whole paper solo. I mean it Tyler, I'm not letting you slack off. Don't expect me to carry you on this or think you can treat me like your free ride to an A." I whisper sternly.

Tyler sneakily makes a 'cross my heart' gesture and smiles at me. Of course I'm going to cave when he does cute stuff like that. It's not fair how easily he gets under my skin.

"Fine." I whisper, turning my attention back to Mrs. Sanders who is still explaining our project.

By the end of the period Tyler and I had settled on Romeo and Juliet for our book report. I had wanted to go with something a little less well-known so it wasn't so overdone, but Tyler was really excited about it and said he's already read the book several times. I figure if that's the case maybe it will make it easier for him to help me with the paper.
When the bell rings, Mason, Tyler and I all walk out together.

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