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Sunday, October 3rd, 1994.
Word count: 2,957

"I turn 18 tomorrow

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"I turn 18 tomorrow. Finally, I'll be the same age as you again. "I whispered. Kate laughed and looked at me. "You have to sleep Thea. "She said, grabbing my hand from across the bed.

"And Simon needs to wake up. So, until that happens, I'm not leaving. "I told her, moving her hand from mine and grabbing Simons, pulling it to my lips and kissing it.

"Okay, okay. "She surrendered, holding her hands up. "What did Nick tell the cops? "I asked her, not moving my eyes from Simon's face. "He said that Peter, saw Sam and Deena together, and he went crazy and attacked them at the hospital so they stabbed him in the arm. Then he said that Peter followed us to the grocery store and tried to attack Sam with an axe, but since Simon is such a gentleman he dove in front of Sam, and Peter hit him instead. "She explained, I nodded and sat there, not moving.

"Wait what'd he say about your hand? "I asked her, finally looking at her, she had a bruise on her cheek bone, and her eyes were very red. "He told them that peter attacked me and put my hand through the bread slicer. Then after he received a 911 call from Deena, he came and shot him after he hit Simon. "She told me, I nodded and looked back down.

"Thea, do you want to come eat? "Ziggy asked, opening the hospital door. I shook my head no, and looked down at his pretty hand. "Kate? ""Yeah sure. "Kate agreed and grabbed my hand, making me look at her. "It'll all be okay. He's gonna wake up. "She told me, I nodded as my eyes started to water again. "I love you, Thea. "Ziggy told me, I just nodded and looked back down, knowing that if I try to speak, I'll cry even more.

They closed the door, and I put my face on his hands, my tears falling onto it. "I'm sorry that I'm cursed Simon. You and Kate and everyone else would be perfectly fine without me "I whispered, kissing his hand again.

I fell asleep on his hand, all of the weight of my head on it.


Monday, October 4th, 1994.

I shot up and looked around, the room was darker than usual, but there was a bit of light from the tiny lamp and the clock. I looked at the clocked and it read '12:12 pm' meaning it was officially my birthday, well it was noon on my birthday.

I let go of his hand and walked to turn the lights on, I heard a hissing noise as I walked away.

I turned around and saw Simon, awake, rubbing his hand. "God damn T, you have a big ass hea-"I cut him off as I ran towards him, kissing him and shutting him up.

Once I pulled away, I could see him smiling at me, "Happy birthday pretty girl. "He whispered, making my eyes burn as my vison turned blurry and tears fell down my face. "Baby stop crying, you were crying in your sleep and your eyes are very puffy right now. "He told me, he opened his arms and pulled me down making me hug his side. "Why aren't you saying anything? "He asked me, making me laugh. "I just wanna listen to you talk all day now. I thought I lost you. I thought you broke your promise. "I stuttered, hiccupping. He kissed my head and straightened my hair out with his hand.

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