Chapter 33: Family

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        We are finally in Oshawa. I am so happy that I'm going to see my family, teachers and friends. Today I am just going to spend time with my family which is my Mom and bro.


        We were on my way to my house. I drove because Marshall is bad with detections. It was fun driving there because I was showing them stuff about the city. They have never been here so it was pretty cool.

        We stopped at this park that is just a few houses down from mine. "This was my hang out place when I was younger." I said to them. "What is so special about this place?" Hailie asked. "Me and my friends would do anything here. I had my first kiss here, I had my first fist fight here and we would play truth and dare. We also would make our own forts. I remember people would leave furniture on their front yard for people to pick them up and we would drag them to the park. But one day when we went there everything was gone. So many great memories." I said. The both looked at me in a weird way. Hailie went and sat on the swings. Me and Marshall sat on the baby slides. "This town is nice" he said looking at the road. "Well I hated it when I lived here, I hated my school and my house." I said careless. "Listen baby, you live with me now. No one will stop you. I love you to much to let you go and I know you are the same way." I looked at him. "I would never leave you" I said. He looked at me. We kissed.

       "Com'on guys, i don't wanna wait anymore, let's go to your house Arabelle." Hailie said. He pulled away. We stairred at each other, smiling. Hailie looked at us. She pulled both our hands to the car. "I'm not waiting anymore" she said. We both laughed. I got in the driver side and drives to my house. It was only 8 houses away. We pulled in the drive way. Marshall held my hand tight. I could tell he was nervous. "Its OK" I said. He looked at me and had a small smile. We all got out. We walked to the front steps. I knocked. Everything was still the same. The front garden, the door and the old tree in the front of my house.

        My bro answered. "Oh my god Arabelle" he shouted. He ran and gave me a big hug.  I hugged him back. I was tearing up. "I missed you so much" he said. "Can we come in" I asked laughing a little. "Of course but mom isn't here, she went out for a while." Gavin said. We walked in. The walls were painted a different color. They use to be a bashe color but now they are a light brown. "New color?" I said to Gavin. "Yeah" he said. We sat on the leather couches. Gavin sat on the love seat, and we sat on the bigger couch. "So Gavin, this is Marshall and his daughter Hailie." They all shook hands. "Hailie is your age, 15. You guys should be great friends." I said with a smile. Gavin was so checking her out. "So Gavin, why don't you show Hailie around and get to know each other. I will show Marshall around." "We own the whole place now." Gavin said. "OK" i said with a smile. It was getting awkward. "Com'on babe, I'll show you the house" I said as I grabbed his hand. I was showing him the backyard. It had an in ground pool. "Wow. We have a pool?" I said. I was surprised. I went closer to the edge to feel the water and Marshall pushed me. "Ass hole" I said. He laughed. "Help me up" I said. He reached his hand out to help me and I pulled him in. "What the fuck" he yelled. I started laughing. We started play fighting in the pool. It was funny. Then he grabbed my waist and started kissing me.

        "Hey" I heard my bro call. We pulled away and looked at him. "Do you have extra clothes?" Gavin asked us. "Ya but we don't wanna get them" Marshall said. I laughed. "Your so lucky we both have clothes for you guys." He said. We got out. I went in my bedroom. The walls were painted yellow. I always wanted my room that color when I was younger. Some of my Dad's clothes were in my room. "Nice room" Marshall said. I shut the door and locked it. We got out of our wet clothes. We were both naked. Marshall was checking put my boday. "I wish I could fuck you right now" he said in a sexy tone. I went closer to him. "I know, I want you inside me" I said as I kissed him. He layed me in the bed. "We can't" I remianed him. He whined and got off me. We put clothes on and we went down in the basement. "This use to be an apartment but I guess my Mom bought the house." I said. We sat on the couch. "This is a nice place" he said. "Well I didn't have all this when I lived here." I said with a frown. "Well now you live with a rich man." He said putting his arm around me. I laughed. My brother came down with Hailie and my Mom. When she saw me, she started crying. "MOM!" I yelled. I ran over and gave her a hug. We both were crying. "I'm so sorry I left you" I said. "I'm sorry for being a screw up." My mom said. "Mom, you were the best. I love you so much." "I love you too" she said. Hailie was crying. "Come here, baby" Marshall said. I pulled away from my Mom. "I'm so sorry Hailie" I said. I looked at my Mom. "Your so beautiful" my Mom said. I smiled. "Isn't she" Marshall said. I looked at him and rolled my eyes.

        "Mom this is Marshall, Baby this is April" I said. They shook hands. "This is Hailie, my daughter." Hailie shook my Mom's hand. "Your 15, right?" My Mom asked Hailie. "Yep" she said with a smile. "Sit down guys, want anything? I got beer?" My Mom said. "Ya I'll take one." Marshall said. "Me too" I said. My Mom looked at me with an angry look. "Mom, I'll get them" Gavin said. "I'll come" Hailie said. "OK" we all said. They went upstairs. "They must be good friends" I said. Marshall giggled. "So how are you guys?" She asked us. "Y'know, scared but I've had a lot of fun with Marshall. He keeps me safe and I feel safe around him." I said. Marshall blushed. "I never thought the Eminem would date my daughter. I mean she's loved you for ages!" My Mom said. I blushed. "Really?!?" Marshall said in a funny voice. I punched his arm. "Ow" he said being a prick. "Well I'm glad everything is ok." My Mom said. Gavin and Hailie came back down stairs with two beers. "Thanks" we both said. "Hey, Mom and Gavin, me and Marshall need to tell you something." I said with excitement. "What is it" they both said. "Me and Marshall.... are getting married." I said. "WHAT?!?! OH MY GOD" my mom yelled. "HOLY SHIT ARABELLE" Gavin said. "Yeah I know." I said laughing. They both hugged me. "Congregation you guys" they both said. "Thanks." Me and Marshall said.

        "Hey, can you guys go upstairs and do something, I wanna talk to my Mom alone." They all went up stairs. Marshall kissed me before leaving. My Mom got up and hugged me tight. "I still can't believe your marring Eminem! Its always been your dream! How do you even know him?" She asked. "Well I've known him since I was 14. We met through friends. He has always had a crush on me but I just thought i was too young. I still don't think its right but I love him with all my heart and he does to. He said he can't live without me." I said. "Wow! Arabelle, why haven't you told us?" My Mom said kinda pissed. "I couldn't. Sorry." I said with a frown. "Whatever, and your Dad called me the other day." "What did he say?" "He was crying wanting me back. I don't know what to do" she said tearing up. "Listen, its your choice." I said holding her hand. "I'm going to go for a walk with Marshall in the forest, I'll be back. Just think though. OK?" I got and walked upstairs. "Marshall wanna go for a walk?" I asked with a smile. "Sure."

        We got ready and I drove us to where I wanted to walk. It was the forest. It was by another park that's not to far from me. "Why we here?" He asked me. "I need to tell you stuff. Just follow me." I took his hand and we walked along a trail. No one was there which is good. I lead him to this Clift. It had a river at the bottem. It was a beautiful place. "Arabelle, this is beautiful." He said sitting down on a rock. I sat on his lap. "This place......" I started tearing up. I had to be strong. But it was to hard. "I...... I tried to kill myself." I said. The tears ran down my face. I didn't wanna tell him that I am depressed but I got to. "Baby what? Why?" He said in a shocked voice. "Because I hated life. There was too much drama, I was a horrible kid and no one liked me. Still no one likes me." I said looking down at my feet. He pulled my chin up, we were face to face. "Baby, who cares, your going to be marring me. The Eminem. You can tell anyone that were together and watch they'll come crawling to you." He said. I couldn't help but smile. We had a moment stairing at each other. Then his lips pressed on to mine. It was romantic. I pulled away. "Babe, you know that your the best thing that ever happened to me. I'm so glad we met. Even having you as a friend was the best thing. You were so kind to me and shit. Thank you" I said. He smiled. "I will never stop loving you" he said. Then I kissed him again.

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