Chapter 11: Can life be back to normal?

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Right now my heart is pounding. I'm sitting right in front of a police officer. What if they charge Marshall with murder but it was self defense. Wish me luck!


I was sitting in a small room. The desk was small. "Hello my name is Clarence. I will just be asking you a few questions. It will be done by the time you know it!" The police officer said. "OK thank you and my name is Arabelle" I said as my heart was pounding.

"Let's get started" Clarence said as I took a big breath. "Who is Alex?" He asked. "Well....he WAS my best friend till this happened." I said. "Why did he kill your other friends and try to kill you?" He asked. "He wasn't the one who killed my friends and I don't know why he shot me. He said he hated all of us."

I started to tear up. "Who killed your friends" he asked in a confused way. "I don't know. He just said he payed someone to kill them" I said. I was thinking now who and where that guy is. I mean he could come back for us!

"Who was Alex's best friend?" He asked. "Why does this matter?" I said. "Because we need to find who the helper is so answer the question" he demand. "OK OK its Dameon Shaw and Eric Boyle but it doesn't mean they are the killer." I said angry. "Who does he talk to a lot?"

I thought about that and I remember seeing Alex paying Jordan but I mean com'on Jordan wouldn't kill his best friends for money. Would he? "Well I few days before the trip..... I saw Alex paying a guy named Jordan Porire but I mean Jordan always needs money so he probably needed money for something else. He wouldn't kill his best friends." "I think I'm done. I will keep in touch with you. Thank you for your time." Clarence said.

I came out of the room. "Hey how did everything go?" Marshall asked me with a smile. "Fine.... I think its your turn. Good luck" I told him. He kissed me. "Thanks" he said as he walked in the room and shut the door. "Jordan's might be the helper!" I said

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