Chapter 18: Really nigga

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I am so tired from shopping.. I mean it was cool that we were alone and shit. Like really cool. Just a bit weird.


I woke up and saw it was 12 am. I notice Marshall wasn't in bed. I got up. I looked around the house. I found him outside sitting in the hot tub naked. It was weird. I took off my PJs and sat right beside him. "What are you doing out here" I whispered in his ear. "I miss Halile, I need her in my life" He said as a tear went down his face. "You can get her back, and I can help you, Kim's just a bitch." I said. He kissed me. "Your so beautiful" he whispered smiling. I got on top of him. And we made out.

I woke up back in my bed naked. Marshall wasn't there. I put on one of Marshall's long shirts and underwear on and went down stairs to the kitchen. I saw A note and it said"
"I'll be back soon, I'm just picking up the guys, I love you."

I smiled. I was so hungrey, I looked in the fridge and saw bacon. I just cooked that up. When I sat down the phone rang. "Really nigga" I said out loud. I answered the phone:
"Hello, is this Arabelle?"
"Yes... May I ask who this is?"

"Its the police from the other night."

"Oh sorry.

"We found a lot of information about Jordan. You need to come today, today's the only day you can come."

"OK... Uh..... What time?"

"Is 3 pm OK?"
"Yeah. Thanks."

"See ya then."

I hung up the phone. I quickly called Marshall.

"Hey babe what's up?"
"Nothing... They found information about Jordan."
"They did? That's great. When are we going?"

"We have to go at 3 pm... He said this is the only time."
"Shit man... What about the party?"
"I don't know... Are you coming with me or not?"

"Of course I will... I'll be there in 10."

"Kay. Bye. I love you."

"Love you too."

I hung up the phone. I went up stairs to wake Sydney and Gabi.

"Sydney get yo ass up.. We got somewhere to go."

"The police station."

"You wake Gab up... I'm getting in the shower."


I walked out of the room. I picked out a yellow dress. It was really short.

When I got out of the shower, Marshall was home with his friends. "You look hot" Proof said. Everyone laughed. "I know I do" I said laughing. I went to hug Marshall. "Did you eat" he asked. "Yeah.. I had bacon." "I can take us out for lunch if you want." He said kissing my forehead. "Sure."

I sat on the couch waiting for Sydney and Gabi to come down. While I was waiting I was getting to know the guys more. I always loved D12. They were my favorite band.

When Sydney and Gabi came down, it was 12 pm. "Finally" Marshall said. "Are you guys ready" I asked. "Yep" they both nodded. "Yo guys, I'll be back before the party. Don't do anything stubid" Marshall said. "I'll be in charge" Proof said. "Nigga you are a dumb motherfucker" Dre said. When we walked out the door, they were arguing about who's in charge. "They are going to burn my house down" Marshall said laughing. "Yep..." I said. "Were do you guys wanna eat" Marshall asked us. "McDonald's" we all said. "OK" Marshall said.

Chased//EminemOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora