Chapter 28: That weird date

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I feel so happy that I talked to my Mom and bro. I'm glad there OK and they know I'm OK. I'm just upset that I might never see my dad again.


It was 5 pm. Me and Marshall are going on a dinner date. He's taking me to this fancy place. I don't know what the fuck its called though.

I went shopping for a dress today. It was a tight, short black dress. I put that on with a thin, gold chain. I put some black eye shadow on with mascara. Then I put the black high heels that go with the dress. Marshall walked in. "Holy shit." He came up to me, grabbed my waist. I put my arms around his neck. "We're so fucking tonight" he whispered in my ear. I laughed. "I'll see" I said kissing him. He started kissing my neck. I was moaning softly. "Let's do it now" he whispered. "Babe, like really." I felt his dick and it was hard as fuck. I pulled down his pants, and his boxers. "Holy babe, are you watching porn cause you get hard everyday!" "No you make me hard. I speak with dick so come blow my mind." I laughed. I starting sucking his dick. "You are so good" he said playing with my hair. I was giggling while his dick was in my mouth. He was moaning. I was liking the tip while he was squirting. I was licking the bits of cum all up. "Yeah baby suck it." I swolled his dick. It was all in my mouth. It was so good. I could tell he liked it to. 5 minutes later he came in my mouth. "It taste so good" I said licking my lips. I went up to his face and started kissing him. He layed me on the bed. He started kissing my neck. "Not now" I whispered. "Com'on" he said as we both laughed. He slipped my dress off. "Fuck the date" he said sucking on my tits. I wrapped my legs around his waist. "We got to stop this, I don't wanna get pregnant." "I know, I know but I love you too much." I kissed him. "I'm sorry." He got off me. He pulled up his shorts. "I'll go get ready" he said with a straight face. He walked out. I got up and put my dress back on, same with my high heels. I got my wallet and walked down stairs. Marshall was wearing a tuxedo. "Your so sexy" I whispered in his ear. "Says you. wanna take a limo?" "Sure." "Good cause it already here." I laughed. He held his hand out. "You ready" he asked me. I grabbed his hand. "Yes." He kissed me on the cheek. We walked out to the limo.

20 minutes later we arrived there. The place was called 'Coach Insignia.' It was beautiful.

"Wow babe, its beautiful" I said kissing him. "Just like you." I smiled. We walked in. "Hello! I'm Justin, I will be your servant this evening. Table for 2?" "Yes" Marshall said. He lead us to our table. "Would you like any drinks to start with?" "I'll take a wine" I said. "Make that 2" Marshall said looking at me. "Is that everything?" "Yep" Marshall said. He handed us our menus. Everything was so good on it.

10 minutes later, the waiter came back. Are you guys ready?" "Ya, I'll take the 22 oz Wagyu Tomahawk chop." Marshall said. He couldn't pornouce it right which made me laugh. "OK, you ms." "I'll take the14 oz New York Strip." "OK, would you guys like any side dishes?" "I'll take 2 baked patios." Marshall said. "Make that 4" I said looking at Marshall and smiling. "OK it will be 20 minutes." The waiter said and walked away. Me and Marshall looked at each other in the eyes. I loved his blue eyes. "I'm so lucky I have you" Marshall said. I blushed. "I'm just a normal girl." "No your not, your different." "How?" "Well every other girl I know freak out that I'm the one and only Eminem." I laughed. "I don't care that your Slim Shady or Eminem. I love you just the way you are." He smiled. Then he started singing 'Just the way you are' from Bruno Mars. He knows I hate the song. "Shut the fuck up" I said. He laughed. I took a sip of my wine. He was starring at me. "What?!" "Your so beautiful." "You say that everyday." "Ya but its true." I just smiled at him.

The last 15 minutes was silent. It was awkward. The waiter came back with our food. I was done my wine so I asked for a coke. When he came back I started to eat. "This shit is good" I said as Marshall was laughing. "I can tell." "Do you want a treat after" Marshall asked. "Nawh, I'm good."

After we finished eating we were talking. "So what do you wanna do tonight? We can go to a movie or-" I cut him off. "Babe let's just do something at your place like play basketball or some shit." He laughed. "You can never beat me in a basketball game" he said all sexy. He came over to me. He kneed down. I started to tear up. I knew were this was going. "Arabelle, baby will you make me the happiest guy on earth and marry me?"

Chased//EminemTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon