Chapter 2: RUN!!!

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There is a fucking scary man outside our cabin! What's going to happen?? I'm so fucking scared!!!


"Oh my fucking god, shut the god dam door Marshall" I screamed. Marshall slammed the door. The killer poke a knife hole in the door. "What the hell are we going to do Arabelle" Gabi asked me as tears rushed down her face. "Ya Arabelle what the fuck are we going to do!!!!!!" Sydney said yelling at me.

"Holy shit, someone's on there rag" I said. The boys were giggling quietly.

"Calm down Sydney, its not Arabelle's fault." Dre said. "Me! Calm down!! We're going fucking die in here!!!" Sydney said starting to cry. Gabi went to go hug Sydney but there was a creepy voice "RUN!!" We all looked at each other scared and worried. "You heard the person run!!! Seth said and he ran out the door forgetting the killer was there and sure then shit a kife was in his forehead. Gabi and Sydney dropped to the ground. Jake and Nate tried to get them up but they were frozen.

Dre whispered something to Marshall. I was wondering what he was saying. Was he going to leave me? Us? Dre called me and Alex over. Me and Alex looked at each other and went over. "We need to get out of here!" Marshall said. "I'm not going to leave my friends here to die" I said. "Ya" Alex agreed. "Arabelle, Alex do you want to survive?" Marshall asked us "Yes" we both answered. "Well we can get on the bus and drive away" Marshall said. I started crying. "I can't leave them" I said.

Marshall gave me hug. I hugged him back. I could tell he didn't want to let go. I didn't want him to let go eaither. He looked at me and said "Please." I looked at Dre then Alex and said "get the keys and let's go" They all looked at us. The door slammed open and the killer was there. "You fucking dicks" Nate said.

Dre ran to the table and grabbed the keys, we went out the back door were the bus was parked. We heared our friends scream. I look back and started to tear up agian. "Com'on" Marshall said as he grabbed my hand.

Dre started the bus up and he drove us away. After i was kinda happy even though we let our friends die. I will always hate myself for it.

Me and Marshall were at the back of the bus, alone in the bedroom. He starried in my eyes and kissed me. I didn't know what to do. It made me happy, I felt safe. He lips against mine were hot but I had to push him away. "Baby, please. I need this. I love you." Marshall said with a frown. I started to cry and walked out of the room. When I walked out I bumped into Alex. He tried to stop me but I pushed him away.

I went into the bathroom to clean up. Get my makeup off and have a shower. Then when I was about to get in the shower, the bus slammed on something and I fell on the ground. I blacked out.

When I woke up Marshal and Alex were above me. "What happened" I said in a soft voice. "We don't know but Dre's dead." Marshall said. He started to tear which made me tear up. They both helped me up. We walked into the seating area. "What are we going to do? Can you try to start the bus?" I asked really scared. "We did, its busted" Alex said. "Oh my fucking god! What the hell are we going to do?" I said, started to cry so much!

"This was supposed to be a fun night. This is all my fault!" I said. "No its not Arabelle" Alex said. "If anything the first bit was fun" Marshall said. I half smiled. "You should get some rest. You need it the most. Me and Alex will try to get help or something" Marshall said with a small smile. "Are you sure, I mean I don't want anyone else to get hurt?" I said whipping the tears from my face. "Its fine" Alex said. Marshall picked me up bridal style and took me to the bedroom. I started giggling.

"What" he said with I smile. "Nothing" i said as I was still giggling. He set me on the bed and tucked me in. He kissed me on the forehead and said "I love you babe." I love him too but I couldn't say that. He's just too old for me. Then he walked out. I couldn't sleep. I was tossing and turning for hours.  Rhen Marshall came in.

"Are you ok?" He asked sitting in the bed."

"I'm a horrible friend." I started crying. He layed beside me and starting rubbing me. "Your not" he said. I knew I couldn't love him but I needed love. I cuddled up to him. He was so hot, in both ways. After a bit, I fell asleep.

"ARABELLE WAKE UP!!" Marshall yelled. "ARABELLE PLEASE" I woke up. "What is it" I said with a soft but scared voice. "Alex.... Uhh he's gone. I stairred at him, scared.

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