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your pov

I made my way inside the dojo wearing my Gi. Going to the back I left my backpack.
I took off my shoes and made my way onto the mat. I began stretching beside Miguel.

Kreese was talking to Eli and Aisha about war? "You gotta understand that Mogadishu in the '90s was a hellhole. Warlords controlled whole swaths of the city. My team and I were charged with cleaning the place up." Kreese explained.

"How many warlords did you kill?" Eli asked with a slight grin on his face. "You keep track of every ant you stomp out"
Me and Miguel both scoffed.
"Bunch of bullcrap if you ask me" I whispered to Miguel.

"Woah" Aisha stared at Kreese with amazement. "Badass" Eli smirked.
"They were outgunned, we were outmanned. I tell you...Rwanda was no joke"

I stood up looking confused at Kreese "don't you mean Somalia? Mogadishu is in Somalia, Rwanda's a whole different country" I said. Kreese turned to look at me. He chuckled "of course, Somalia. I spent so much time in the sandbox, it all kinda blends together, you know?" Aisha and Eli nodded in an understanding manner.

Though I still didn't believe it.

"Listen up! I see we've got some new recruits. Everybody fall in. In neat rows and lines." I walked up to my spot next to Eli. "Time to see what you're made of"

Sensei walked to the talk and talked to someone. Not long after I heard them talk "I am here to kick some ass, sir!"

They quickly finished their conversation and sensei walked back to the front "I thought my last group of recruits was pathetic. But if you do what I tell you to do, you'll at least have a chance of becoming a fighter. But to do that, you've gotta fight. So which one of you has the balls to take the champ?" Sensei asked the new students.

A few minutes a silence passed before someone spoke up "I'll take him on" it sounded like a girl's voice. I turned my head and yep it was. "Oh, you will huh?"

"I saw your little demo at Valley Fest. You guys can put on a show. But, can you guys actually fight?" The girl asked.

"That sounds like a challenge"

"I like a challenge"

"Mr. Diaz show little miss hotshot what Cobra Kai's about" Miguel bowed and we all made room for the two.

"Are you sure you wanna—" Miguel began only to be kicked by the blonde. They fought against each other. The girl ended up "winning" sorta but she won. Shortly after that class ended.

I changed and began walking out of the dojo. Aisha jogged up to me with her backpack. "Hey y/n I was going to the convenience store beside the dojo. Would you like to come with me?"

"Sure" I smiled and we both walked into the store. I grabbed some (favorite drink) and (favorite candy) Aisha groaned. "Let me guess dick pick?" A familiar voice said.

Looking around the small store I spotted the same girl from earlier going to get a drink. "No...my mom wants me to go to the beach club with her," Aisha said. "Oh my god...that sounds so miserable," the partial blonde said sarcastically. "No...it's just there's this girl Sam who's probably gonna be there and she and I are not on good terms," Aisha explained.

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