Chapter 15 The Broken Curse

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All of the people fell off their horses from the bullets flying out of guns as the men raced towards each other. They were either screaming or were just downright furious but the war lasted so long that the voices we had were shot to death. Bleak and dry as a desert storm and we were all covered in blood from the waist down. Some men lost their horses due to bullets being shot at them, it was an awful sight to see. 

Once the war was over I was the last one standing it seemed but many were still left alive from the fight. I felt someone shaking me and my eyes awoke to see my fiance Shadow looking at me in the eyes. He seemed so concerned about me like I was dying or something worse. 

"Shadow I am fine, believe me it was just a terrible dream." I said in a soothing voice so he wouldn't be worried about it. "I was just remembering my past a bit." 

After a few seconds of an awkward silence he leaned forward to kiss my perfect soft pink lips with force. He wanted me to know I was his and his alone, that no other male or beast could take me from him. I knew that Shadow missed his mother but he hasn't laid eyes on her since he was a pup. It was a painful sight to see my lover in such agony so I grabbed my phone once he passed out to message Lisa, his violet eyed Arctic wolf mother. 

I found her number and began texting her in hopes of getting the two parents united so this war between the bloods would end. Mother and father have waited long enough for this madness to end and I would stop at nothing to see my lover's smile and laughter again. I soon received a reply from Lisa stating that she had two new pups after her son vanished with his dad. An older female pup by the name of Marigold she looked identical to her mother but her eyes were a little darker than her mother's. 

The young male pup was named Alador and he was just like his mother too but his eyes were a blue but more darker than his older brother's aqua blue eyes. He was a little bit wider in the thighs than Shadow but he was kinda similar to his brother. While Shadow had more broad shoulders his siblings were more smaller like the Arctic wolf DNA. 

I watched him sleep for a bit before getting up due to the cold air surrounding the area. It was almost identical to winter. I had a feeling I knew who it was. Once I stepped outside in my nightgown I saw the violet eyes of a wolf in the snow. It was coming down hard in a massive wave and at that moment in time I knew it had to be Lisa. I walked forwards smiling at her as she turned into her normal form to see me better to her. I was like an angel sent from above. 

"Hathanus!" Lisa said in a surprised voice as she embraced tightly in her arms while I giggled slightly at her. "It seems like forever since I saw you! You look wonderful. Have you been eating right? If not I can make my homemade meals for you to help get you in shape again!" 

"Oh Lisa I am fine!" I replied cheerfully as she smirked slightly at my wider hips. "I had two kittens and they are both boys." 

After a few moments of talking I saw Lisa's eyes light up slightly before she gasped. When I turned around I saw my lover standing there glaring at his mother as if she was a villain in a movie. She couldn't speak, only stared cautiously at her own son she brought to the world so many years ago. I could see her heart break before I could react. A man appeared firing arrows at us like we were monsters from another planet. 

Shadow's mother got struck and she fell slowly off the stone towards the ground in pure agony. Shadow felt a ping in his body as his mother was laying on the ground gushing blood from a freshly opened wound in her body. Her body was limp and lifeless it seemed but I was in too much horror to react to anything until I heard a roar come from Shadow's throat. 

"HOW DARE YOU HURT MY MOTHER YOU SELFISH BITCH!!" Screamed my lover Shadow as the wind got rough blowing the man in a tree trunk at full speed. "I WON'T BE A KIND MAN FOR LONG!! ALL YOU SELFISH MEN ARE NOTHING MORE THAN FALSE HEROES IN JUMPSUITS!!"

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. He was speaking English! My lover was really speaking English. It was amazing I was so speechless even his mother was alarmed at his yelling in the most common language. Before we knew it the area faded to black and we saw nothing but darkness hearing voices telling them to hold on then nothing at all after that. 

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