Chapter 10 The Two Royals Revival

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As it had been less than 4 days since me and Shadow had met our untimely demise everything seemed to stand still. Like time had just gone frozen by our death, we were gone from this world taking our love with us. When we felt our beloved friends and family mourn over our demises we began to miss our family. We faced the king and begged for us to be brought back to life.

Our hearts were broken until we felt light surround us, we soon fell from the heaven world. We were shooting through the sky until we met our graves, our souls were unseen as they landed perfectly into our bodies. Shadow had already been buried a day later than me, our souls touched our bodies and went inside. After a few more days our graves vanished, when Yusuke and them came to my grave they saw it was gone.

"What the hell happened to Cadenza's grave?!" Yusuke yelled in shock as it was no where to be seen. "It just vanished without a damn trace what the hell?!"

"That is not scary in the slightest." Keiko said in a somewhat trying to stay calm voice. "Where could the grave have gone? They don't just disappear do they?"

"I don't know, it was never documented in an archive." Kiato said as he looked at where the grave was and noticed some of the dirt was grass again no longer brown. "Hey the ground where we buried her is normal again as if she healed it in death."

As the group looked around I was in the tree watching them from the shadows snickering quietly so they wouldn't notice me. They were so clueless at this it was too precious, it made me want to laugh until I cry. After a few more moments I teleported myself into my room they had kept clean. Once they walked in I vanished and reappeared outside slowly singing, once they heard the noise they went to investigate.

"Who is singing?" Suzuka said in a soft yet normal tone. "It is so beautiful and soothing to the ears."

"I don't know but hell whoever it is I want that person to sing more often." Rinku says in a hyper tone as he followed the others to the lake where they saw a woman dancing on top of the water. "She is so pretty!"

"Yeah that she is, but how is she on top of the water and not on the shore?" Suzuka asks as they saw me spin slightly stretching my one leg out doing some ballet on the water. "She is just able to stay on the water perfectly as if it was meant to be."

I slowly stop to stare straight forward with my bangs coating both my eyes as I slowly walk forward to them. Once I was almost on the shore I stopped dead in my tracks and tilted my head. I smiled slightly and lifted my hands to put behind my back while the others were baffled at me.

"Well, I said things were bound to change as time grew older." I said with a heavy snicker moving my hair from my right eye. "Now I believe I've met an amend in my demise, so now this big cat lives on."

They froze in shock with their eyes almost popping out of their sockets it seemed. I laughed heavily at them as I walked away off the water when Shishiwakamaru ran in front of me staring up and down. I crossed my arms snickering softly at his curious yet perverted display.

I had no room to talk really because I was nicknamed Romey girl at the age of 10 because of my constant flirting with guys. The name means Romeo girl, or flirtatious girl it was not a name I was very proud of. However the way Mr. Playboy was looking at me made me had a flashback of being that creepy look. It was bad but hey J was once that way, it still hurt though.

"How the hell are you fucking alive!?!" Shishiwakamaru yelled as I just softly looked at him with a dead eyed stare. "You weren't breathing! You didn't even have a pulse!"

"I revived that is as simple as that." I said flatly as I walked pasted him laughing slightly at his shook face. "I asked the King to be revived and he did."

I felt some pretty chilling air surround me and when I looked forward I saw my ex fiance Shadow Izasume. He looked at me and his eyes were full of sorrow for ending our engagement. He said he was sorry and wanted to make things right with me but I walked pasted him angrily until he grabbed me. Our eyes met fast and I was frozen as he said he loved me so damn much and that he regrets ending it that way.

"Shadow you ended our marriage and now you want me back." I said in a flat tone as he held me tightly as I tried to get loose from him. "Shadow let me go! Just let me go!"

He refused and put his lips at the right side of my neck nipping me hardly as I fought to get loose. The clothes he was wearing was a long pair of pants that fanned slightly at his ankles, while his top had long sleeves and they both were icy blue with snowflakes on them. He looked into my face and said that he loved no matter what other demons said and that he would go to the ends of the earth just to marry me all over again.

I looked into his eyes slightly as his face moved closer to mine and the demons froze in amazement as we kissed. A light surrounded us and they saw our clothes change as we formed a heart with fire and ice. Our clothes changed into a king and queen uniform making me stunned at their beauty.

Mine was a long red kimono dress with golden patterns. The sleeves were amber stone gold with soft ruffles in them my hair was up back into a royal bun. My ruby had a soft golden chain attached to its center, while my feet had golden red shoes on them. Shadow's was a long male king patterned uniform the shirt was dark ice blue with a big snowflake on it. While his pants went straight to his ankles while his shirt sleeves stopped at his hands, Shadow's hair was up in a high ponytail. A solid black cape rain off of his king clothes making him look more attractive, while he wore icy colored shoes.

"Holy hell!" Yusuke and Kuwabara said in unison at our wardrobe transformation. "How in the seven places of demon world did they fucking do that?!?"

"I have no clue what so ever." Suzuka said in a dumbfounded tone as our engagement rings appeared upon our ring fingers once again. "It appears they are back as a engaged couple now."

I broke away with him to see ourselves, we looked at our clothes with a stunned look before laughing softly. I looked at my hand to see his worlds bridal ring upon my hand it was beautiful while he wore my worlds. Before long Touya launched to kill Shadow and I moved my hand in front of him to have it go clean through my hand.

"Damnit Cadenza don't be a fool." Touya said in a dark voice as he tried to move forward but couldn't. "He is a villain a fake prince and You sold your soul once more to him."

I stared him down as I twisted my hand to snap the iced blade dead in half causing Touya and the others to freeze in pure shock. I glared and faced my hand towards them to show the wound healed from the cut.

"If he is the devil I don't care." I said as I looked at him with my one arm around him as I kissed his cheek lovingly. "I would dance with the devil until my demise!"

Me and him left to the Avatar to hold our friends and laugh. Our kids were happy to see us again, baby Mongo giggled and grabbed his dad's face. He laughed and held our youngest son with pure happiness, while I held Clef in my arms in a tight hug.

"I'm glad both you and Cadenza are both alive and well." Sensei said with a soft smile while me and Shadow smirked. "Now the question remains will you two get married in a year from now or will it be in another few years?"

Me and Shadow looked at each other for a little bit before we though it over, we came to a small conclusion.  That we will wed in two years from now seeing as Mongo needs to be weaned before the wedding. We were very happy to be reunited and we were always seen kissing or holding hands.

Over the span of a few weeks Mongo had grown more, however I kept feeling something dangerous was approaching us at a alarming speed. I kept my powers on high alert everytime I went out to walk with the kids. However sometimes it was allow me to feel when someone was watching us or wanting to kill us.

I was a traitor to the demon king due to me being betrothed to Shadow the heir of the two ice kingdoms. He is a wolf-dog, however to me it didn't matter what he was my love was forever the same. I would always stay behind the barrier of the Arc and never leave unless it was to pick herbs for medicine. Which was very rare since sensei gets more everytime he wonders off to pick up things for me to cook.

Sometimes a trap lies ahead for those who don't suspect it to happen but it forces us to accept things that can cause a chain to form with shattered hopes and dreams.

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