Chapter 3 The Demonic Avatar

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A moment had come to pass in my life for a new beginning had approached me in a glimpse of the night. It happened one dark a starry night when a messenger approached my kingdom's throne room and demanded to speak to me. Mother however wouldn't allow tbe man to bark orders and demanded he speak his words to me.

"How dare you barge into this sacred place and demand to speak to my heir to the throne." Mother said in a harsh tone eyes flaming in rage through her mask "You will tell me your business in this here throne room or I'll have you thrown out of this world faster than you can blink."

The demon looked so afraid of mother when her words struck like a death sentence to his own life. She was cruel and heartless but no one could blame my mother for life had done her this way like it had done to me. We were made this way by cruel selfish demonic forces that want to end our angel race and erase what we have work so hard to achieve.

"Your majesty forgive the intrusion but I must speak to the heir." He said in a bow before my mother sounding fearful of mother's piercing gaze "It is from the sensei of the Arc he wishes to have a conference with her."

At that moment time stopped my mother knew of this man for his name was known throughout our world. He created a dojo to train demons to become honest and skillful warriors to defend there loved ones and nations. He was a old werecat but a very wise and skilled fighter in his former life. However now he was a sensei training younger apparitions to fight with very special gifts.

"The owner of the Arc wishes to have a conference with my eldest daughter?" Mother said as she looked at father on her throne, dad wasn't king he was a Sultan meaning he was a leader rather than king. "Very well you will find her in the gardens looking at the fountain. It is in the center of the gardens hedge."

The man bowed before my mother and fled to the garden and saw me in my solid pastel white kimono looking at the fountains beauty. He never before seen such a beautiful breed of noble blood in his life. I slowly looked at him and stared at him in the eyes for what seemed like hours before he spoke.

"Your majesty, I have come from the Arc of Demon World's land." The man said with a small bow before me, he was rather formal for a non noble blood but what do I know "However by orders directed by the sensei himself you will meet with him before daybreak on the land. Which is in less than 3 hours from now, I shall escort you to the place to speak to the man himself."

My eye was dead on him but it was hard for me to see eye to eye with this man. I knew some things would be harder and for me to understand but some things are easier than others. I didn't know how to respond to him but simply to nod in reply.

After three hours I began to leave to head to the Arc on the ground to meet the sensei who owns the demon tower known as "Demonic Avatar" we have never seen him in person but he was wiser than most of us combined.

Once we arrived I saw how perfect the whole place was. It was a big huge dojo laced in flowers like peony, roses, lavender, lilacs, and water lilies. The inside was hard wood floored with rugs of gold and red. The roof was shiny and hanging was a chandelier laced in sliver and like rose gold lights.

My eye trailed to the room of sensei I didn't know who he was but my gut was telling me I was in for a surprise. Once I looked behind me the demon who brought me was gone like he wasn't real at all. My guess was that he was busy doing something or had places to be. Once I knocked on his door I heard an old voice saying enter. I slowly walked in to see him and my heart skipped so many beats it was my old sensei from my childhood.

"Master Morgonastera! Your still alive!!" I gasped at him as a blood tear fell from my one red eye. My heart was beating normal now but hell it still hurt to breathe "I thought you died master!! Your okay your really okay!!"

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