Chapter 9 Shadow Izasume Revealed

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Chaya and I were together for a bit until two demons decided to chase us both to the temple of Genkai. I was launched straight through the temple's entrance crashing across the ground before slamming into the wall. Yusuke and them were stunned to see me back but weren't so pleased when they saw blood falling from my head as I was standing up from the impact.

"Cadenza got thrown by a demon!?!" Yusuke said as I growled a low predator snarl as the demon was at the door smirking darkly at me. "Damn she's got a pretty bad head wound but she doesn't seem that phased by it."

I snarled and hissed at the demon while he just laughed at me while Chaya was fighting the other one that was there. Before long the demon smirked and stared at Chaya in the eyes with a knife in his hands.

"I know who you are." The demon said with a soft dark sinister smile upon his evil face. "It is about time you're revealed you son of a bastard king!"

The demon jumped at Chaya and sliced my necklace I made him when we were engaged clean off into pieces. Due to Chaya being alarmed he didn't notice the demon's attack, he sent Chaya flying through the temple's walls. Smoke surrounds him revealing his true self as Shadow Izasume heir of the Husky kingdom. 

I froze in horror as my fiance was right before me laying there bleeding. My heart skipped beats before I grabbed my chest seeing my memories flood my mind showing me and Shadow happy together. I faced the demon who shot him through the wall with the most god awful eyed stare known to man kind.

I looked identical to an angry goddess with my eye as red as blood freshly spilled from recently opened wounds. I walked forward slowly ripping my top part of my clothing off showing my tight cut shirt underneath. It was dark red with black patterns coating, my eye was pulsing red.

The demons watched me launch at the two demons slamming my one foot on the ground causing it to break around them. My hands bent upwards like they were forming swan wings when I cracked my wrists and fingers the night grew dim. I growled and spun fast making my hair turn jet black, my eye was a thin slit surrounded in dark red, my nails were sharp daggers long as a knife, my teeth were shark sized, my whole aura was dark.

I growled and roared loudly as my sonic roar deafened the demons, they fell backwards screaming as they got disintegrated by my fire powers. Once it was over I walked over to Shadow with a dark angry stare, when he lifted his head to see me there pissed he knew trouble was waiting.

I watched him stand up shaking at his knees literally using all his strength to stay on up. He sighed and stared for a few seconds before Shadow looked away saying he was deeply sorry for not saying anything. I just stared evil at him as my fist balled up as my anger blinded my once semi-sane mind.

"I don't fucking appreciate being lied to like that!" I yelled as my voice was as loud as thunder while Shadow flinched at my rage towards him. "I am your fucking fiance not a damn pawn!! How dare you play me like a fucking mouse!!"

He kept his head down until I slapped him in the face before Yusuke and them. Most of the demons were shocked at me, I glared at him breathing heavy as he stared me down like a wounded animal. He faced away and held his hand on the doorframe, my hands were shaking until he said that it isn't meant to be.

My heart skipped when I heard him say that, that we aren't made for each other. That me and him have to break off the engagement, we were a demonic mismatch. He saw Yukina and Touya staring him down with hatred while I was shaking at his words. I watched him say this is the end, my eye watched both our rings break into pieces before us.

"No! No! No!" I screamed as Shadow looked at me over his shoulders as I ran to him grabbing his face making him look into my ruby eye. "You can't do this!! We are meant to be Shadow please!! We have two sons!! You can't leave our babies without a father!! Don't leave me please!!"

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