Grave Bonding

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Y/N's Pov:

As we all got ready to pay a visit to Sarah Fier's grave, Simon helped me down from the ambulance and we started to walk toward the woods.

"Uh, so I know we have been trying to run from dead killers and everything, but why haven't you said anything about earlier?" I asked once we were out of hearing distance.

"What do you mean?" Simon stopped and turned towards me.

"You know, before Ruby attacked us," I spoke softly.

"Nothing happened earlier, Y/N." Simon turned back to the woods and continued to walk. I swear I could see a hint of regret on his face when he turned. What was he regretting? Us kissing or him saying nothing happened?

Sam noticed I wasn't walking.

"You good, N/N?" (preferably a different nickname then what Kate calls you) Sam shakes my shoulder slightly.

"Yeah, perfectly fine," I smiled and continued to walk. I didn't want to add to her bucket of things to worry about. We already have a killer coming after us. The whole Simon thing would just make her worry more.

We found the car that had been left there shortly after venturing into the woods.

"Ok, so I fell out of the car... here. I was crawling and my nose was bleeding. And then... I feel something." Sam retraced her steps and as she reached her hand into the moss metal could be heard clanging together. Sam then pulled chains out from the moss.

"Chains?" Kate kneeled down.

"Oh! Not just chains." Simon directed his flashlight to a skull on the ground.

"No way.." Kate mumbled.

"Oh shit!" Josh almost fell back from surprise.

As we continued to pull the chains, more and more bones started to come out.

"Fier. It's her." Josh spoke quietly as he looked at the lock. "It's her grave."

"Oh, no no no. This is bad. This is really bad!" Simon grabbed my hand and looked at me, but I looked away so we wouldn't make eye contact.

"No wonder the witch is pissed at us. I'd be pissed too. Sam disturbed her grave." Kate snapped at Sam causing me to glare at her.

Kate glanced my way and noticed my "Leave her alone" stare and gave me a "So sorry" look back.

"Now she's sending her henchmen after us," Josh whispered quietly, but just loud enough for all of us to hear.

"Henchmen?" Kate looked at Josh. "As in every one of those sickos on your wall is coming after us?"

A twig snapped in the distance causing Josh and I'd attention to be taken away.

"Did you hear that?" Josh muttered.

"Yeah.." I whispered as I took my hand from Simons harsh grasp.

I could feel his eyes on me as I did so. His hand slightly moved away in a sad manor.

"Hold up. Hold up. She's mad because we disturbed her grave, right?" Simon whispered.

Running From Our Love ~Simon Kalivoda x Reader~Where stories live. Discover now