The Witches Curse

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Y/N's POV:

We had gathered back at Deena's house. I still had blood splattered on my face.

"It's doesn't make sense. It's- It's not possible. Bullets didn't stop her," Sam sat down.

"Amazing observation." Kate said.

"WHO THE HELL WAS THAT?!" Deena yelled.

"HOW THE HELL SHOULD I KNOW?" Simon yelled back.

"SHE WAS HOT!" I yelled back.


"Yeah! I hate to break it to you, but normal bitches don't bleed black fucking blood!" Deena yelled louder.


"Wait. What... A razer?" Josh seemed to have the same idea as me.

"Yeah, for like old- timey shaving, or in this case, I guess, slitting her-" Simon didn't get to finish because I interrupted.

"Wrists. She she slashed her wrists." I looked over at Josh.

"Was she singing something?" Josh asked me. "Was she singing a song, like an oldie... like an oldie song?"

"Jesus, Rain Man. How the fuck do you know that?" Simon got closer to me as if blocking me from Josh.

"Ruby Lane..." Josh and I both say in unison.

"WHO?!" Simon questioned.

Josh and I led the group down to the basement. I set them down near a table as Josh pulled the picture of Ruby Lane down. Josh and I had mainly bonded over all the Shadyside Killers. We researched all of them together.

I pushed the drinks off the table letting Josh put the page down.

"This is Ruby Lane." Josh explained.

"The girl who attacked us," I looked at Simon as he grabbed my hand.

"Holy Shit," Simon looked closely at the paper.

"She sang as she murdered her boyfriend, her friends, then she killed herself. Slashed her wrists." I continued Josh's speech.

"Jesus. Yeah, why didn't I see this on the news?" Kate asked as she looked up from the paper.

"Cause it happened in 30 years ago," Josh explained. "1965."

Josh stood up and grabbed the other killer's posters.

"Ruby is one of Shadyside's killers. Just like skull mask. I mean... Ryan Torres." I got quiet so Josh decided to continue my train of thought.

"Look, 1978, sixteen years ago. Masked psycho murders kids at-" Josh started.

"Camp Nightwing. Yeah, My mom's sister was there. The screwed my family up for a long time." Kate shuddered.

"1950. Harry Rooker. Local Milkman slashed a bunch of housewives. 1935, Humpty Dumpty killer. 1922, Billy Barker. 1904, Grifter guts girls, and on and on. It happens in Shadyside over and over. Normal People turn into psychos." Josh finished.

"Jesus," Simon mutters as he looked at the Pastors picture. "Look at this guy."

"That's the pastor, Cyrus Miller. 1666, He was the first one recorded. He, um... killed kids and cut out their eyes." I said as Sam walked off. I stood to go after her, but Deena pulled me down and followed after her.

"None of this is random. It's Sarah Fier. She's turning Shadysiders into killers." Josh started again.

"Do you really believe that?" Kate asked, as she looked between Josh and I. "I mean- No one actually thinks that this witch shit is real."

"Yeah, it's something babysitters make up to scare kids." Simon dropped my hand making me frown a bit.

"No no just listen to me. 1666, Sarah Fier was hanged for witchcraft, fact. But ever since she was executed, she's been possessing people, turning them into killers to take revenge on the town." I explained a bit louder than last time.

"It's like the nursery rhyme," Simon added. "Before the witches final breath. She found a way to cheat her death. By cutting off her cursed hand. She kept her grip upon our land. She reaches from beyond the grave. To make good men her wicked slaves."

"Yes exactly! Don't you see what's happening to us?! This is all proof! Shadyside isn't just some hotbed for psychos. All these massacres are connected to Sarah Fier. The witches curse is real." Josh stood up, so I joined him.

"Fine. Let's assume that the witch has been possessing people for some sort of messed up vendetta. This isn't the same as the mall massacre. Something different is happening to us. Something way worse. Ok, we have two of her killers after us and both of them are dead. Why is she so mad at us?!" Kate yelled.

"I saw her." Sam and Deena had entered the room while we talked, but none of us had noticed. "Last night, I don't... I don't know, you know. I thought I hit my head. It was... It was her. I saw the witch."

A/N: Sorry I haven't updated in a bit! I hope you liked this one. I made it while watching the first movie so I could get it perfectly right. New chapter soon! If anything is wrong tell me and I will fix it!

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