The Crash of a Life Time

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Y/N's POV:

"Shit." I groaned as I put my hand to my head. I brought my hand back down to where I could see it. It seemed a bit blurred since my mind still was figuring out what's happening.


I heard Sam's door open as she crawled out.

"Sam?!" I opened my door and fell out. I saw her staring into oblivion and I slowly crawled towards her.

"SAM?! Y/N?!" Deena's voice startled me.

"Hey Hey," Someone's arms wrapped around me as I realized it was Simon's. "Shit Y/N you're hurt. We need to get you to a hospital."

"We need to go!" Kate's voice seemed worried, but the only thing I was worried about was my bleeding nose, bleeding head, and I think I was bleeding from my stomach too.

"Kate! It's our friends!" Simon snapped at her.

Deena was too worried with Sam to answer.

"Hey how many fingers am I holding up?" Simon waved three fingers in front of my eyes.

"Three," I groaned. Everything seemed to hurt

None of us noticed the sirens heading towards us.

"See there fine!" Simon grinned as he stood up after he checked Sam.

At that exact moment Sam puked some blood onto my shoes, Deena's shoes, and Simon's shirt.

"Perfectly timed, Sam," I laugh.

I looked over at Sam expecting her to say something back, but she looked as white as a ghost and remained silent.

"She must've gotten hit worse,"

"Kids?!" I heard Sheriff Goodes voice as he walked towards us.

"Shit!" Kate whispered.

~Time skip~

"So you are telling me the crash was a mistake?" Goode said as he stood by my medical bed thingy. I don't know what it's called! I wasn't really listening to what they had said.

"It was all a mistake," Was my final words as I was rolled into an ambulance.

I could see Simon rush towards the ambulance, but Sheriff Goode stopped him before he could enter. I gave Simon a weak smile and laid down.

"What a fun car ride huh?"

A/N:  This chapter was way shorter than usual. Sorry! Hope you liked it tho :] *mwah* will be posting more soon.

Running From Our Love ~Simon Kalivoda x Reader~Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz