With each passing minute, the darkness outside grew. Micah soon realised it was time to go home to Addison, hoping she would be asleep so he wouldn’t have deal with their awkward conversation from earlier.

On his walk back, Micah noticed an all too familiar orange pickup truck parked outside a rustic looking home. Before he knew it, his legs had carried him to the front door which he was now knocking on.

“Micah? What the hell are you doing at my house and at this hour?” Holden, visibly angered questioned.

“We have a problem.”

“What? Besides the fact you and Addison kissed?”

“Oh she told you about that. Well this isn’t awkward at all.”

“Get to the point, so you can leave.”

“Right. Carter and I had a little conversation about the summer of 2013.”

Holden’s eyes widened as he involuntarily gulped.

“Come inside now.” He said before pulling Micah by the arm before shutting the front door.

Easy man you’re creasing my leather jacket.” Micah complains as he jerks his hand away from Holden’s grasp.

“What did he tell you?”

 Holden’s voice was now shaky. Nobody had brought up the incident in years so all his emotions were suppressed but a few had begun to surface as Micah relayed what Carter had explained back to him.

“That’s not what happened. Carter is a pathological liar.” Holden shouts in a fit of anger.

What really occurred that day?”

“Yes we decided to go and catch tadpoles at the brook that day only to find an untameable stream. I had gotten up on a rock but soon realised it was a stupid decision and made my way back down, by that time Carter had already left after all he was scared of heights and didn’t want to seem like a loser in front of the girl he liked. Aria was a bit of a loose cannon, she had made her way to the top of the rocks and started dancing about whilst I pleaded her to come back down. She must have lost her footing on the slippery edge and by the time I climbed up to try and catch her it was too late.”

I don’t know much about you Holden but I can tell you aren’t some homicidal maniac.”

“Thanks. Now onto the real question, why would he dredge up the past only to tell a stranger? He could of ran to Addison with his version of the story and ruin what we had when she first arrived but didn’t.”

Isn’t it obvious? Carter’s planning to get rid of you and wants to use me to do it. Once that happens guess who will be standing by Addison’s side? He wants us to eliminate each other, leaving her vulnerable to his charms.”

“Question is, what are we going to do about this?”

I say we give Carter exactly what he wants and let the little bastard think we fell right into his trap.”

“And that’s when we expose him as the vial piece of shit he is.”

Sounds like I’m rubbing off on you Holden. Maybe under better circumstances we could have been friends.”

“Yeah if only we weren’t in love with the same girl.”

“I’m sorry by the way, for kissing her whilst you were still in the picture.”

“I guess there’s no use for me crying about it now. We all messed up in our own ways.”

No more sneaky behaviour when it comes to our relationship with Addison, Deal?” Micah extends his hand towards Holden, sincerity expressed across his face.

“Deal.” Holden reaches out for his hand and the two shake, fortifying the agreement.

“Now let’s plan how to catch a conniving little rat.”

Hours had passed with the boys plotting and bonding over beers like old friends would. It was nearing midnight and time for Micah to finally head home.

I’ll catch you tomorrow then?”

“Yeah let me just grab my keys and I’ll give you a ride.”

“Dude if Addison is awake she would totally freak out seeing your truck drop me of at her place.”

“All the more reason to do it right.”

Micah’s statement couldn’t have been further from the truth. Addison couldn’t get a winks sleep that night knowing Micah wasn’t home and that Holden was mad at her.

As soon as she heard the revving on a trucks engine taking off she ran to the front door, only to see a flash of orange hue illuminated by the street light take off and Micah walking towards the porch.

“Was that Holden’s truck?” Addison confusedly quarried.

“Yeah. He and I had a few beers together. Turns out getting your heart broken by the same girl really bonds a couple of fellows. Sorry that might be the alcohol talking.”

“Let’s get you to bed.” Addison wrapped her arm around Micah’s to steady his walk.

Yours or mine?”

With a slight chuckle from Micah and roll of the eyes from Addison, the two continued to make their way inside finally ending an exhausting day.

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