Destiny II; 43

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Every separation is a test: A test to see how powerful or weak the reunion would be.

"Shanyuan is awake!"

FanXing's voice kept reverberating in his ears as his longs legs carried him down the lengthy hallways. With each step, Zhan could feel his heart pounding ostentatiously beneath his chest.

Enthusiasm was an understatement to what he felt at the moment, he would finally be united with his son.

Reaching the door, his hands went to the handle but it halt. Suddenly, he felt affright, emasculated.

Would Shanyuan forgive him? he had been nothing but a deficient father, a father who thought the existence of his son was no more.

Quivering, his hand twisted the handle and pushed the door open, his breathe immediately hoicked at the sight of Shanyuan sitting up straight on the bed, legs stretched out, covered with the sheets, a bandage still wrapped around his head while sported on his face was a gloomy, lost expression as he did nothing but stare down at his fingers, slowly fondling them, the young Doctor felt his heart ached at the heartrending sight.

This young kid had been through a lot, living without his parents wasn't enough, he had to be raised by criminals, Zhan's eyes hardened as he recalled what Yibo informed him about the people who raised his son.


Helplessly, his legs carried him forward slowly and the boy immediately lift up his head sharply, hearing a hint of noise, Zhan bluntly stopped on his track as if caught in a bear trap as he gulped down his saliva.

Shanyuan's pure orbs scanned the doctor head to toe before looking back at his hands being uninterested. Zhan let out a breathe he was holding as he began advancing forward again.

"Hello Shanyuan!" Zhan softly greeted, coming to stand beside the bed with a wide smile but it flattered and his gaze turned blurry.

How was he going to break the news to him without shocking him more than he already was.

Shanyuan instantly lifted up his gaze again, his little eyes expanding as if realizing something he had missed before. "Y-your v-oise" he stuttered.

That voice, how could his little brain forget that voice that told him to run, to escape from the cruel hands of the monster who called himself his abortive father.

The doctor's voice was similar to the little whispers he heard before he raced out from that house that bought him wakeful nights...

Zhan beamed, the boy incontrovertibly recalled him from the day they met at the hallway. "Let me introduce myself Shanyuan, I'm Dr Xiao Zhan Sean...."

If possible, the boy's eyes widened even more and his eyes went foggy from unforeseen tears. "Papa...?"

Zhan lodged and the little smile on his face dematerialize. He heard it correctly right, Shanyuan just called him papa just now right, promptly he could feel his heart capering in exuberation but why....?

"Pa-papa..?" Zhan managed to choke out skeptically while his heart continued to raced fastly.

Why did Shanyuan call him papa...?

"Mei-hui came into my room drunk, he said my real papa's name is Dr Xiao Zhan Sean. Are you my real papa, was he lying to me again" Shanyuan let out in low confused voice but his eyes lowered lugubriously at his last words.

Was Mie-hui teasing him again, just the way he usually did? Did him not deserve to know and meet his papa, was this doctor going to return him back to Mie-hui?

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