Destiny 22

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The course of true love never runs smooth.


"No I'm not leaving!" Yibo articulated earnestly to his parents, sending a frigid gloom towards their path.

"Isn't it your dream to be a professional racer, now the opportunity is here. You are just going to throw it away, I don't believe you!" Mrs Wang bellowed  and Yibo couldn't help but raised an eyebrow incredulously at their unanticipated behavior.

"Wait a second" Yibo eyed them skeptically. "You have never boosted my idea of being a racer to the point I forgot about it, now you want me to race, what the heck are you people planning?!"

He was fourteen when he came up with this racing idea and right on point, they repudiated and refused to aid his dream because he was the heir to the Wang Companies. He incontrovertibly recalled his father saying how it was a complete waste of time and now that he thought of it, he had never applied for that bout, how the heck did they come to know about him?

Mrs Wang licked her lips and stepped towards her son, placing her hand on his shoulder luxuriously. "Yibo, I understand we have been against this idea of you racing but we thought about this and we decided to let you chase your dream till you are fit enough to handle the company, we want you to enjoy your youthful days and not be tied down by some company"

The more she spoke, the more he listened obfuscated at her words. Youthful days? Tied down by some company? Harking back, it was them who said he had to rivet on the company more than running around playing tags, now they were changing their words as if they were never said?

But it didn't matter, he didn't care what they say. He wasn't leaving and that was finally.


"I don't know about this" Yibo started staring at his parents and Zhan as they finally reached the airport and it was time to depart but Yibo wasn't so sure anymore and the more he stared at Zhan, the more he couldn't bare to board that plane that would make him away from him.

He didn't know how it happened, what happened that made him change his mind about leaving in just a matter of two days. But it happened and Yibo could blame no one but Zhan who took it as a life mission to convinced him otherwise and stupidily, he falled and now there was no going back.

But, him leaving now only meant he wouldn't be there when the baby would be born, he also won't see the family that would raise his child.

Why was fate being so cruel to him, why for once things couldn't go his way?

Zhan beamed widely and stepped forward, his eyes sparkling brightly as he placed a assuring hand on the other's shoulder while the other hand supported his big tummy. "Don't back out now, you promised me remember?"

Yibo frowned. "But I won't be there when the baby will be born" he pouted and Zhan chuckled at the cuteness while brushing his finger on the other's nose.

"You are so cute but you don't have to worry about that. I'll make sure our child ends up with the perfect family" Zhan said but his eyes saddened at the last part. His heart ached but the smile on his face remained.

"I want to be there Zhan" Yibo said meaningfully gazing right into Zhan's orbs. He wanted to be there when his child would step foot into the world but sadly, that dream wouldn't be coming true anytime soon.

"Your flight leaves in a few minutes Yibo" Mr Wang reminded his love strucked son.

"Promise me that you'll take care of him while I'm away" Yibo stared deadpanned at his parents, as much he knew his wishes of them would never come true, he just wanted one last assurance before he boarded that plane. He stared at the hardened faces of his parents. "Mom, Dad?" He waited eagerly.

5:Destiny ||Yizhan FF||Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant