Destiny 3

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Soulmate usually comes once in your life,
to shake things up,
shows you true love
and stand up to you
in ways on one else has.

They adore you,
yet challenge you to
your fullest potential.

A soul mate relationship
isn't only preaches and cream,
it's roses and thorns.


"Why did you have to do that!?" Jiyang bawled out on Zhan as soon they treaded out from the cafeteria.

Zhucheng chuckled. "Haoxuan deserved more than a fractured nose"

"But he got his hand bruised" Jiyang grasped Zhan's hand, that was exuding.

Zhan took his hand back and shook his head "Doesn't matter, at least the bastard got what he asked for" he took deep breathes to calm his raging heart.

Haoxuan wasn't the only source of Zhan's indignation, Yibo was the second lightning rod. How could he let some girl glue to his side without propelling her away. Recalling back, Zhan could feel the green-eyed monster seething through his veins.

"Excuse me, I will go see the nurse" Zhan grabbed his bag before leaving his cluster.

"Why does it feel like, Haoxuan wasn't his only prey" Zhucheng voiced out ruminantly, nearly above a whisper


Drifting towards the nurse's office, Zhan came across an empty class room when suddenly a hand came out and pulled him in, smashed him against the rugged wall and held his hands above his head. He eyed the intruder, lividity visible in his supposed ardented eyes.

"Let me go, Yibo" Zhan glared.

Yibo tilted his head to the side, staring at the other boy closely from a difference angle. "My boyfriend is upset, I can't let that pass"

Zhan scoffed. "Boyfriend?, If you had one you wouldn't let that bitch hang on your shoulders like a wolf in heat!" He spat.

Yibo chuckled serenely. Slowly, he moved his head towards other's ear and whispered. "You are sexy when you present your jealous vide. I like it" he bite his ear lope.

Zhan thickened his skin, not wanting to flunk for Yibo's sensitive touches. Freeing this hands from Yibo's grip, he shoved the other boy away from him. He crossed his hands over his chest, glaring and glowering, displaying how deadpanned he was.

Yibo soughed. "Look, am sorry. She had been hanging on my arm since first period"

"You could have pushed her away!"

"I tried to but she kept coming back" Yibo held his hands out and snaked them Zhan's waist, wresting him close to his body as their front came bunching against each other. "Don't glare too much, your eyes might fall out"

Zhan rolled his eyes. "Now I know where I get those frothy theories from"

Yibo beamed and pressed his lips against other's, biting gently on his soft lips that were narcotic, spellbinding and beckoning.

Hmmm, Yibo moaned.

Unable to withstand it any longer, Zhan cautiously engirdled his arms on the other's neck, returning the kiss with much duress, putting all his choler, vexation and covetousness in that one kiss. Things got heated as Zhan's sweater went soaring from his body, Yibo's hands softly caressed that mellow, delicate and subtle skin beneath Zhan shirt.

5:Destiny ||Yizhan FF||Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz