Destiny 27

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We loved with a love that was more than love.


She stood there outside his doorstep, she bite her lips while her hands tremble as she held them to her chest. She gazed at the door with hesitation.

Should she knock? would the person inside let her in? She thought as her eyebrows narrowed and she continued to stare at the door with a deep frown.

They had planned it out, everything went as planned, that boy was finally out from her son's life, she was supposed to be happy right? But why did she feel sad? Why did she feel regret for her actions? things went their way, they got what they wanted but why had the burden in her chest never for once lessened? why had it increased, why did she feel like she had lost her son in the process.

"Y-Yibo, i-its Mom!" She stuttered while her heart beat fastly beneath her chest. She felt uneasy, she felt desperate, she wanted her son back. She had given him three days to grief, she had give him time to turn back to the son she gave birth to and raised with love and affection.

But she got no response, it was silent, too quiet to the point she thought no one was inside that room but she knew better. She had heard his screams, she had heard his wails, his squealing, she had heard it all and it stabbed right through her heart deeply, making it bleed. She wanted to comfort him, make him feel that she was there for him but he needed the time to forget. The deed had already been done, there was no turning back, everything had turned back to the way it was supposed to be with those bastards out from their lives for good.

"Yibo, it's Mom!!" She tried again but louder but still got no response but the uneasy silence that creeped around. "I'm coming in!"


A broken heart bleeds tears.


He shut his eyes, he opened them. His vision was dim and dark just like his life. He felt his head pounding, wanting to explode, he could hear ringing in his ears, a painful tingling on his toes, while the rest of his body was filled his painful sensation. Pinches on the hands, throb on the ribs, knot in the stomach and a heavy weight as he remained on the floor, that same position he had been for the pass how many days, clearly be wasn't counting as he didn't care.

His body was curled up on his left side, his legs almost close to his chest while his hands supported his head like a pillow. His clothes were dirty and torn just like his room that wasn't any different as pieces of broken glasses were everywhere with a broke bed, lamps and tables with a widely opened window. He shivered as the cooling breeze stroked and caressed his body.

Zhan, Zhan, Zhan!!

His soul cried and weeped for that name while his flesh was already tried from all the physical weeping he had been doing nor stop for days.

Zhan was gone, reality had strucked him hard in the core. He wouldn't had believed it if it was just his parents but Yuchen would never lie to him, after all it was the life of his little brother. Yibo was sure he wouldn't bare to see his brother suffer but Zhan wasn't suffering anymore, it was Yibo who was left beneath.

Would it be wrong if he yearned to join him.

Maybe that was their fate, they were never destined to be, maybe in the afterlife. What if Zhan was already waiting for him to join him, what if he was upset that Yibo was taking too long. Yibo didn't notice when a tiny smile appeared on his features and a lone tear slipped out at the thought of a pouting Zhan, he would look so cute, Yibo would do anything to make him smile again, even if means ending his miserable life.

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