My mom, Rebekah, Freya and Davina all looked at each other. They seemed like they were thinking of something. Kol and I looked at each other confused. Freya spoke up this time.

F: Hunny, never ever ignore her again. Something tells me that we'll have to get you a new phone by the end of the month.
H: What do you mean?
Re: Well obviously this girl loves you so much that she'll blow your phone up.

After my aunt said that, my phone vibrated. I looked at the time and seen it was 3am. Why was Josie up? I smiled at my phone and everyone looked at me and awed. I looked up and everyone told me to text her back or what Freya said might actually come true. I opened my phone up and went to messages.

-Text messages-
J: Hey...
H: Is everything alright?
J: Just had a nightmare, could you possibly sneak through my window or something?
H: I could definitely do something. Just give me a couple minutes and I'll be there.
J: Okay, thank you.
H: No problem.
-After Text messages-

I looked at everyone and they looked at me confused.

H: I'm finishing up the story and then one of you guys have to drop me off somewhere.
F: Okay well hurry up.

I nod and continued my story. Everyone seemed interested.

H: Cleo drove me to Josie's house and dropped me off. I spent the night over there and her family were all really nice and cool. After that I went back home. School was normal but Lizzie kept saying how Josie and I were having heart eyes for each other. I also made a fool of myself and I stood up in class after Penelope spit lies.
Ha: About what sweetie?
H: About love, she said it's to protect the one you love and the whole time she was looking at Josie. As if it was something for her to hear.
F: You got overprotective?
H: I don't know, Josie left the room and Cleo and Penelope chased after her. After that the game happen, she got hurt pretty badly. The coach wouldn't let me on the field but I pushed past him and helped Josie to her feet. Then tonight happened.
Ko: Did she at least break up with Penelope?

Everyone looked at him. He looked confused.

Ko: Did she or?
H: Well Penelope broke up with her. I thought I already said that?
Ko: Oh maybe you did. I don't know. Anyways where do you need to go?
H: Oh right, I need to go to Josie's house.

Kol jumped up to his feet and dragged me downstairs. I said bye to everyone who was up. I had a bag packed and Kol drove me to Josie's. Once my uncle dropped me off, he made sure I got inside safely. Josie opened her door and I walked in. I waved my uncle off and he drove away. I wrapped Josie in my arms right after he was out of sight. She hugged me tightly. I closed the door with the heel of my foot, I swept Josie up off her feet and made my way to her room. Once we got to her room, I laid her down on the bed. I took my bag off and put it on the floor. I laid down next to Josie and Josie quickly snuggled me. I wrapped an arm around her and played with her hair.

J: Thank you for coming tonight.
H: You're welcome, love. Get some rest, I'm not going anywhere.

I feel her nod her head and she quickly fell asleep. I smiled replaying the night over and over again. After it hit 4:30am, I fell asleep. I get to skip school tomorrow so hopefully my uncles or aunts pick me up early enough.

-The Next Morning-

Lizzie's POV
I woke up pretty early. It was 5:30am, I normally wake up at 6:30am so this was early for me. I got up, got dressed and barged into my sisters room. I see Hope laying in bed next to her. I shook them both awake, it took a couple minutes but they woke up.

J: Lizzie?
L: Wakey wakey.
H: Good morning to you too Saltzman.
L: Saltzmans to be precise, you are laying next to one.
H: Hilarious, I'm going back to sleep.
L: We have school so you can't go back to sleep.
H: I'm skipping.

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