Chapter 25-Pandabear0830

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#Dear Me


Age: 17

What advice would you give your younger self?

#Dear Me

Id tell my younger self to don't get over excited over the little things. Don't put faith in people who will stab you in the back eventually, Don't trust everyone because everyone's not your friend, Don't cry over those who aren't worth it . You can't help everyone no matter how hard you try. Id tell myself to EMBRACE THE WEIRDNESS!!!! because when ever you finally find yourself you'll understand why your the way you are. Keep Dreaming and NEVER GIVE UP!

#Dear Me - What advice would YOU give your younger self?

Well, this may be strange to everyone, but this is #Dear Me. I hope you enjoyed this chapter, remember to follow me, like and comment below if you like to join this book. I hope you enjoyed and I will see you later!!!

Rember to follow @Pandabear0830

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