Paper's POV:
I looked at Salt, who was interrogating me with questions. No, I won't blow it. I won't betray my best friend! I kept thinking to myself. "I'm not saying anything about where he is. OJ doesn't even like you!" I answered. No matter how many questions she asked, I didn't reveal where OJ was. She finally got mad and gave up. Looks like my "avoiding the questions" trick worked. She let me go and took Pickle's arm. She then dragged him to the same place Salt dragged me.

Pickle's POV:
"Where did you last see OJ?" Salt asked me. I decided to go with "silent and ignorant" trick. If I didn't say anything or acted like I couldn't hear her, she should just move on to the next person. She asked me questions but I just didn't answer. I didn't even look at her. She even slapped me but I didn't say anything or react at all. She then just told me to leave and took Knife behind the tree.

Knife's POV:
"What do you know about OJ's whereabouts?" Salt asked me. I seriously do not want to be doing this. Time to go for the "too annoyed to speak and I don't care" trick. "I don't care about this," I said. "Just tell me where he is and you'll be done!" she exclaimed. "No," I replied. "But Knife-," she started. "I said no," I repeated. She groaned in annoyance and told me to leave. Success for me. She then took Fan behind the tree.

Fan's POV:
"Hey, be careful! I don't wanna drop my egg!" I exclaimed as Salt pulled me behind the tree. "Tell me where OJ is," Salt said sternly. She clearly looked annoyed. I was not about to tell her where OJ was. "I'll never tell!" I proclaimed. She then got super angry. Then she said, "Alright then. If you're not gonna talk when I ask you," she started to say. She then took my egg. "Hey! Give that back!" I demanded. "Perhaps you'll change your mind if your egg here is in a life or death situation!" Salt exclaimed as she held my egg in the air, about to throw it on the ground. "NO! There's something living inside there!" I shouted. I couldn't. I couldn't let it die. But OJ... I could always lie... But if she figures out I'm lying she'll break the egg! I heard more footsteps coming toward us. I looked over and saw Test Tube. "Salt, give him the egg!" she demanded as she quickly walked over. "Not until he talks," Salt said. Salt moved her arms down quickly and was about to smash the egg. "NO! PLEASE! I'LL TALK!" I shouted. Salt evilly smiled in satisfaction and stopped herself from smashing the egg. She looked right at me and waited for me to speak. "He... He didn't come with us," I said quietly, ashamed at how I was betraying OJ. "What're you talking about? He was in the van!" Salt asked. "He was... But when we left the gas station he didn't come with us," I explained. "THEN WHERE IS HE?!" Salt practically screamed. "H-he went back to the h-hotel..." I answered, scared. "Why?!" she demanded me to answered. "He went back to take care of Marshmallow!" I finally said. The second I said that, Salt's face darkened. She then looked really angry. "He... What...?!" she finally said, angrier than ever. "So... You four lied..." she continued. "You four are so gonna get it," she said, grabbing a nearby tree branch and snapping it in half. "That represents your spine," she suddenly said. I gulped and Test Tube grabbed the egg from Salt. "Run!" Test Tube exclaimed as she ran back to the tents. I quickly stood up and dashed to the tents, following Test Tube. Salt ran after us. Once she got to the tents, she said, "Forget about them. I'm going back to my OJ!" Baseball, Knife, and a few of the other guys tried to hold her back, but she managed to escape. She then ran off into the woods, leaving. "Paper, you do have to keys to the van with you, right?" Microphone asked. Paper nodded. "How's she gonna get back to the hotel?" Cheesy asked. "She's gonna run there..." Baseball replied. It's crazy what people will do for love. All I know right now is that OJ is so gonna kill me...

Back at the hotel...

Marsh's POV:
As we continued our AOO marathon, I was playing on my phone. I then suddenly got a text from an unknown number saying:
"I'm coming... Beware..."
I stared at it, confused and worried at the same time. "Uh, OJ?" I asked. "Hmm?" he answered. "Look," I said, handing him my phone. His eyes widened a bit after he looked at it. "Who's this from?" he asked. I shrugged. "I'm sure it's just a prank or something," he assured me. I nodded slowly and he handed me my phone back. I went back to playing random games on my phone while watching AOO. I'm a multi-tasker lol. Then I got a text from Test Tube:
"Marsh! You gotta be careful! Salt's coming!"
I once again stared at the phone. Salt was coming?! My face must've looked scared and worried because OJ stood up and sat down right next to me. "You okay?" he asked. I showed him Test Tube's text. He looked at it and looked worried and annoyed at the same time. "Salt... She'll do anything..." he then said. I texted Test Tube back:
I waited for a reply.
"Yeah! She started interrogating some of the guys and figured out that OJ wasn't with us! I didn't know that actually... But anyway, she running back to the hotel!"
OJ read the text. "It'll take her a while to get here... Unless she has the van," he said.
"Does she have the van?"
"No, luckily."
I showed OJ the text and he sighed a little bit in relief. "It'll take her quite a while. She doesn't even pay attention to the directions on how to get here," he said. I also sighed in relief. "Everyone else will probably be here by the time she finds the hotel," I said. OJ laughed a bit and said, "You're probably right." I then laughed and then we continued watching AOO.

A/N: So, someone wanted to see Salt more in this, so their wish came true! Haha...
Anyway, so many different POVs this chapter! Poor Fan though... I don't like torturing him like this... Moving on... So, don't forget to vote, comment, read my other fanfictions and stories, and thanks for reading! See you in the next chapter!

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