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Lyle comes in the door, worry written all over his face. We discuss the situations or a while. At first Lyle jumped from the chair, face red and anger prominent. He had a look in his eyes, I feel if he was anywhere near his parents right now he could shoot them both dead. That's not what happened though, I calmed Lyle down.

We eventually decided on ringing the police. After a long time of Erik trying to convince us both not to. I made the phone call. My heart still racing 100 mile an hour as I spill what happened through the phone. The police soon arrive at both my house and the Menendez residence.

We are all brought to the police station for questioning. As the two boys are being asked questions I take it as a chance to ring my home.

"Mam." I breathe through the phone
"Yes dear!" My mother chirps back in an upbeat tone.
She had no idea what was going on, I was debating whether to tell her or not. I don't want to bombard my family with our problems over here, all it would do is worry them. Although if I don't tell my parents and the found out, and I didn't tell them, they would make me come back to Ireland immediately.

"Something bad has happened." I break down into the phone.
"Oh my Kim, what is it?!" She immediately asks through the phone worried.
"It's Erik, we are at the police station."
"Oh my what did he do?!"
"Mam! He didn't do anything. His-his-his father raped him, and beat him. On multiple occasions. From when he was young. He never told anyone because he was afraid of what his father would do. I arrived at their house today to surprise him. His dad was screaming and I-I. Mam, I don't know what to do." I sob through the phone
"Oh dear. Everything will be okay. What are the police saying?"
"I don't know, they are asking the boys questions now. His father is in a cell and his mother is in another room."
"Do you want us to fly over?"
"No!... sorry just no, it's fine. I just wanted to tell you incase you found out in some way."
"Well Kim, just make sure your there for him. I know how you talk about that boy, how the girls tell me you are around him. I know you love him. Make sure you do everything to make him comfortable. Let him stay at yours."

My mind slows down. "Love him." Was this possible, did I really fall in love with this boy in this amount of time. Them words just repeat in my head over and over.

"Okay." I say and quickly hanging up the phone abruptly as both the brothers walk into the room. Both their eyes blood shot and cheeks stained pink. I wipe the tears from under my eyes.
"We need a lawyer." Lyle whispers with his head down.
"Then that's what we will do." I say grabbing both their hands.

Time passes and Erik and I are at mine. Lyle is staying in a friends house, not wanting to 'interrupt us'.

We eat pizza, cuddle on the sofa and forget about everything that has happened.

"Erik, there is something I need to just say."
"Wait can I speak first, there is something I have been needing to say."
"Okay go on"
"I don't want you to think I am just saying this because of everything that has happened in the last 24 hours. I really love you. I have for ages but I was always too afraid to say it. I just wanted to finally let you know."
"I love you too." I say as my eyes well up and I jump into his arms.
"That's what I was just about to tell you!" I whisper into his ear.

Both of us grinning from ear to ear.

Falling in fire (Erik Menendez)Where stories live. Discover now