Hold Him

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                                  6 months later

"Ahhhh!" I run through my flat screaming and laughing as I hear footsteps get closer on my trail.
Suddenly I am wrapped up in long arms and thrown on my bed. I roll onto my side laughing and look at the man in front of me who's face is covered in cake frosting. Next thing I know he's leaning towards me and his hands grab each side of my face.
"No!!" I shout trying to pull my head back from his grip, but I'm not strong enough. His lips are placed from my cheeks to my forehead and to even the top of my nose. I can now feel the smudges of frosting all over my face.
"Erik, I only washed my face!" I shout while trying to hold back my smiles.
"Hey,hey,hey, your the one who started it." He replies with a massive grin covering his face. I break character and start to giggle as I lean in towards him, he follows my acting and we are kissing.
Each second I'm with this boy reminds me more and more of how I so easily fell in love with him.

After rolling around in each other's arms for another few minutes we both got up and cleaned our faces and my kitchen. We have about 10 minutes to kill before we have to leave to go to the airport, I am going home to Ireland today. It's going to be my second time home since moving here, I'm only staying for 5 days but Erik thinks I'm going to be gone for a full week so I can surprise him.

We run through my little check list and make sure I have everything I need and everything is turned off. Erik picked up my suit case and I took my hand bag. I locked the door behind me as we left.

Erik drove us there in about 20 minutes. He walked me as far as he could into the airport as possible. The act wasn't anything extraordinary, the average kiss on the lips as I am on my tippy toes and his arms wrapped around the small of my back. It was the feeling I got after the goodbyes that was extraordinary, feeling the smallest bit distraught and a tinge on my heart as I walked away.


Hours later

I pull up to my all so homely house in a taxi. I pay the man and hop out, I grab my bags and head up my long drive way. I step onto my doorstep and place my hand on the large grand door knocker that I am so familiar with. I bang it three times and the doors swing open. I am dragged in the doors by my loving mother as she chokes me wrapping her arms around my neck and rubbing the back of my head.
We then make our way into my living room where my grandparents, father, brother and his girlfriend is. I hug everyone and everyone welcomes me back.
We all gather around the coffee table as my brother and his girlfriend has news to tell us.

"Come on!" I break the silence eagerly.
"We'll, me and Yvonne.... ARE GOING TO HAVE A BABY!!!" He screams
The family erupts with cheers and I run over to the newly expecting couple and engulf them both in a big hug. That news is amazing, I'm going to be an auntie, oh I can't wait to tell Erik.


5 and a half days later

I pull up in a taxi outside my place. I check the clock and it's 1:37pm. I bring all my stuff into my house and unpack. I start to unpack and wash the clothes I wore in Ireland. I end up falling asleep on my carpet floor and a pile of clothes in the process.

I jolt your from my sleep and check my bedside clock, it's 4:13. I get up and put away the remaining clothes. I strip and get in the shower after feeling so icky getting off the plane.

After I'm washed, dried, dressed and fed I call up a taxi to bring me to the Menendez house hold. I have already met Erik and Lyles parents, on several occasions actually. Although Erik doesn't invite me over often. Anytime I am at his house i am only there for 20 minutes tops. I never really found it a problem though, because I am awkward.

Minutes later and I am walking up to their door. As I get to the door step I hear shouting and banging. It actually sounds more like stamping. Instead of knocking I decide to take the nosey route and listen in. It's all muffled but I can make out Eriks fathers voice and bangs that are both coming from upstairs. I hear a really loud mans whimper come from a balcony above me, I look behind me and see lyles car isn't in the driveway. That means by process of elimination it's Erik. I was worried and afraid, it sounded like he was hurting Erik. I panicked and didn't know what to do, so I knocked the door really hard. The banging stops and Eriks mother appears at the door and opens it. Jose makes an appearance at the top of the stairs and makes his way down. Both of them plaster a clearly fake smile on their faces and welcome me in. There was no way I was going in that house now.
"Oh I would love to but I really can't and I'm cut for time, is Erik here?"  I ask trying to hide my nerves
"Oh yes, one second sweetheart." Jose says and turns on his heels and walks back to where I assume Erik is.
Seconds later both menendez men walk down the stairs. It seems like Eriks eyes light up when he sees me. He runs down the remaining stairs and engulfs me in a hug. His parents go further back in the house. It sounds like he lets out a very deep breath over my shoulder, he holds the back of my head with one hand and the other around the small of my neck. It felt like he was never going to let go because of how tight his grip was, he seemed tense at first but soon relaxed.
We stood there at the front door holding the moment, until I break it.
"You're coming with me!"

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