Flight & Sight

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"Oh-to-my-fucking-god!" I scream as I collapse to my knees and the tears start to pour from my eyes.
"What is it, what is it !?" My brother other asks, snatching the best news of my life out of my hands. He takes a closer look at the perfectly printed letter I had just opened. He looks up at my mother and father in shock. "What the bloody hell is going on ?!" My father asks in slight frustration. "She, she got the job!" By brother shouts and drops the paper. He pulls me up and wraps his arms around me. My eyesight is blurry from the tears but I can make out from the cheering and figures jumping up and down, that my parents are just as excited.

After my mother and father engulf me in rather tight hugs, we all rush towards the house phone to call our family and tell them the amazing news. While my mother was out at the phone i threw on my grey wind breaker for some protection against the windy Irish weather. I opened the grand front double doors and ran outside. There was only about 6 houses in my neighborhood as each of the houses took up at least 2000 squared feet. I ran to the last house on my side of the road. When I got there I knocked as hard as i could on the knocker. I saw the silhouette of my best friend through the glass on the door.

She opened the door and I start jumping up and down. "Guess what!" I said excitedly. "What?!" She replies. "I got the job!" I shouted and she start screaming and hugged me. When we pulled out of the hug I saw a sad expressions appear on her face for half a second. "What's wrong?" I ask after a few second she answers "Your going to live so far away, what will I do with myself?" "Jazz, I am going to be the special effects and stunt coordinator on one of the biggest movies there is, I'll be getting paid well." I tell her giggling. "What does that have anything to do with me missing you?" She asks as a few tears build up. "It means, I'll be able to splash cash on plane tickets for me to come here and you to come to hollywood!" I say and that large grin appears on her face again. We wrap each other up in a warm hug.

When I return home my mom suggests I should start to organize how I'm going to live over in holly wood and how I am going to get there.

Many, many phone calls later and we just got the information on where about I'll be staying. It's a glamorous pent house smack bang in the center of Beverly Hills. My parents told me they would take care of my flights and everything along with them.


Two weeks later.


Muffles and muffles is heard over the intercom on the plane. I sat down in my business class seat and waited for take off.

I lied back in my chair and waited to be served. A lady about my age dragged a cart along the aisle before stopping at me. "Good morning madam, may I interest you in any drinks or snacks?" She asks.
"Could I just have a glass of orange juice please"I ask. She nods and pours me out a glass before handing it to me. She then pulls the cart to the seat behind me.

Hours pass and I am in LAX. I collect my bags and walk down the stairs to be met with loads of people holding signs with names. I see a middle aged man holding a piece of paper with 'Kimberly Keogh', so I headed towards him. When I got closer we made eye contact. "Kimberly?" He asks and I nod my head "thats me!" He takes my bags and turns around to walk. I follow him out to a black Beamer. He puts my bags in the boot and I hop in the back seat.

The whole ride here had been quite quiet. He dropped me off at the estate agents where I was supposed to get my keys. After a while of waiting in the waiting room a man comes out and calls my name. I stand up and walk towards him he hands me a load of sheets, the keys and says "you parents sorted out your rent for the first year, your a lucky girl." I smile and leave.

It took me a while to flag down a taxi, but when I did I showed him my address and he brought me straight there. The taxi man took my belongings out as I stood looking up at my new home in awe. When he dropped the bags beside me I was shaken from the place my parents call 'Kimberly World'. I turn to the taxi man and hand him $20. He went to grab change from the car but I interrupted him "keep the change." He thanks me and drives away.


"Lyle, grab my racket!" I shout from the car door as my brother walks out the front door. He rolls his eyes and walks back into the Fourier. After a second he walks back out holding his bag and both of our rackets. "Erik, your going to a tennis tournament and you don't remember your own racket." He says to me. "I did remember, but not until I was already out here." I reply with. We both laugh a little but it quickly comes to an end as our father steps out the front door. We both take seats in the back of the car and my parents sit in the front seats.

As we are driving out of Beverly Hills I stare out the window in boredom. We approach a blonde girl in a floral red dress with a white cardigan, standing on the path with 2 large suitcases each side of her. She stares up at a block of four grand penthouses in awe. As we get closer she bends down and struggles to pick up the suitcase. "we should help her" I suggest. "Shut the fuck up erik! You have a tennis game to be at right now and your thinking about helping a slut on the side of the road!" He shouts. I stay quiet as we pass by the girl.

Lyle and I both won our games, we move to the next round of the tournament. We went home got showers and are now on our way out for dinner in a overly priced bougie restaurant. It's a tradition of ours, when Lyle wins a game we go out for dinner.

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