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We both walked through the sand. My teddy bear dangling from my hand as I pulled him through the night air. Surprisingly there is nobody at all under the pier. We both walk a little closer to the sea, but sit down about 3 meters away from the water. We sat sitting up against a wooden structure, that was keeping the pier from falling down. We sat in silence for a few moments. It wasn't awkward, it was perfect. Carnival music and the noise of the tide are soon drowned out as I rest my head on Eriks shoulder, his breathing the only thing I could hear. I could feel my eyes start to close, but I let it happen. I don't know why, I was sitting in a dark area, lying against a man I know all of 2 hours and yet I still felt safe, why?


"Hey Kim, wake up." I hear as I open my eyes slowly and realize what had happened. "I didn't, did I?" I ask out abruptly. "Yes you fell asleep, but I thought it was cute. I should probably get you home, your tired and my family will be wondering where I am." He whispers gently. "Do you know a number for a taxi?" I ask, trying to shake off the tiredness. "Why would I when I have Lyle. I told him to pick us up around 11:30-12:00 at the car park" He says smirking.

That smirk, god that smirk I could guarantee he has tricked over 100 ladies with that smirk. He stands up and reaches out for my hands. He pulls me up and I bend down and pick up my teddy bear. The beach was now dark and quiet. I wondered in my head 'what time is it?' and 'how long did I sleep for?'. We walk through the sand and up steps.

"So, where about do you live?" I ask. "Beverly hills." He says looking down at me. "Oh my god same!" I said shocked that we live so close. "Yea, I know." He says quietly. "What?" I ask in confusion. "I saw you like two weeks ago, you were heading into one of the penthouse's with two big suitcases." He admits. "Oh so your stalking me now." I say jokingly and he laughs. "Ye I thought you looked familiar too, but I must have just seen you out somewhere." I say and he smiles down at me.

Every time this boy smiled at me I drifted into confusion, why is he being so nice to me. This boy is tall, cute curly hair, piercing baby blue eyes, sharp jawline, amazing smile and an athlete's physique, he could have any woman he wanted, why is he talking to me? I am taken from my thoughts when Erik asks me a question "So, you never told me what you do, what did you move over here for anyways?" I tell him all about my job and the set and stuff. We sit on a bench in the park waiting for Lyle to come.

"So what was your life like in Ireland?" Erik asks, interested in my life before LA. "It's great! I lived in a small estate of 8 big houses. I lived with my mother my father and my brother. My best friend Jasmine lived a few doors down. At the age of 16 I really got into the idea of working on a movie set, that's when I got into the stunt co ordination and stuff. I am also a makeup and special effects artist but not on this movie. I was quite odd as a child, I was more extraverted around my friends rather than my family. In school I was like the class clown, around my immediate family and grandad I could also act as myself, but around distant family, family friends and strangers I was extremely introverted. I wouldn't speak unless spoke to, and I wouldn't act unless asked to. I finally pushed myself to be more open to other people, hence the reason I said yes to whatever this is." I say smiling. "So you only came out with me to benefit yourself?" Erik asks jokingly acting sad. "No, your quite the look too." I say giggling and Erik blushes a little while laughing.

A while passes and we keep talking. Lyles car eventually pulls up. He is sitting in the drivers seat with Anna sitting in the passenger seat. I immediately laugh to myself, Anna was always the fellas favorite. Erik and I both get in the back of the car.
"So what did you guys get up to?" I ask
"We went to some bowling alley, I won of course." Lyle says with a cheeky smile, Anna pushes his shoulder.
"Not of course, you only bet me by 2 pins!" Anna exclaims and they both start to laugh.
"Where did the others go?" Erik asks.
"Your red headed friend didn't come with us, she went home straight after the diner, she seemed mad." Lyle says and I sigh, typical Mandy because she couldn't take the boy I liked.
"Craig, Jasmine, Kate and Chris all went home after bowling, Anna and I went for ice cream and then picked you two up." Lyle says smiling.
"Well good you guys had fun." I say

Anna and Lyle converse between themselves as Erik and I talk. We pull up to my place. Erik hops out of the car and runs around to open my door. This boy is so cute, there has to be something wrong, there is no way he is single for no reason. I am knocked out of my thoughts, "I had a great time tonight." Erik says leaning up against the car as he closes the door I just got out of. "So did I." I reply
"Any chance I could get your number?" He asks
I smile and nod my head. He leans back into the car.
"Lyle, give us a pen or something." He demands politely.
Lyle throws a marker at him and goes back to making out with Anna.
"Fire away!" He says as he takes the lid off and prepares to right my number on his arm.
"213.... 454... 3610" I say as he writes.
"I'll call you." He says

He is still leaning against the car, as I stand in front of him. The height difference being quite prominent as I look at him. He looks slightly down at me. Suddenly he started to lean in, I felt myself doing the same thing. I closed my eyes as our lips collided. His right hand resting on the side of my face, his left on my waist helping me keep my balance as I stand on my tippy toes. Suddenly the car door slams beside me and we both jump out of the kiss in fright. A laughing Anna is stood there looking at us. We bot let out a sigh/laugh. I take a step back as Erik smiles. Anna leans forward and grabs my hand before pulling me towards the gates.
"Bye boys!" She shouts.
"Later!" Lyle shouts out the window.
"Bye." I say with a smile looking at Erik
"Night." Erik says back getting into the passenger seat.

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