Hawk - he calls you clingy

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you walked into the school building, just in time before the bell went, you sighed with relief knowing you weren't late. you stopped of at your locker first to grab your books for today's class, you then shoved your books in your bag and walked down the busy hall to find your boyfriend hawk, stood next to the boys bathroom with the cobra Kai boys. you were about to walk over until you heard your name being mentioned, you decided to hide behind a wall that was near by to hear the conversation.

" yeah man she's just so annoying, she won't leave me alone" hawk said to his friends

Your heart started beating fast from hearing this come out of his mouth, " what" you whispered you heard I think a guy called Mitch, say your name, and hawk agreeing with everything he's saying about you.

" man she's just so clingy, like I wanna hang out with you guys or get some training in, but no there she is attached to my hip, like I just want some me time for a change, I can't do that when she's around, she's just so annoying." hawk said

you bit the inside of your cheek, tears threatening to fall, but you didn't cry you didn't want to.

You were about to leave until you heard another one of his friends say

" bitches will be bitches" he said

"yeah man" hawk said whilst hand shaking his friends.

You pretended you didn't hear anything and walked around the corner to him and his friends.

" hey babe" you said walking up with a smile on your face

" oh here we go" hawk said laughing with his friends

Your smile dropped

You stood there, embarrassed and shocked that he just did that.

the bell then rang signalling you had to get to class.

" gotta go I don't wanna be late" you said to him getting to walk away.

" wait what about my kiss" hawk said.

You ignored him and walked down the hall, tear drops coming out of your eyes slowly, you didn't want to show any emotion especially not at school in front of people.

you made it to the bathroom and slammed the door with a thud and locked the door.

You sat on the floor with tears falling down.

you were so confused on why hawk would say that, especially in front of his friends am I clingy, do I not give him enough space with his family or friends? I just needed answers but didn't want to face him. I guess looking back I  am always with him and attached to his hip, maybe I need to give him space, yeah I will I'll give him space.


"Y/n, are you in here" Sam called out your name.

" I'm here" you say quietly and slowly push the door open.

" Hey, what happened" Sam said walking in and giving you a hug

you wiped your tears, and started telling Sam what happened.

" that jerk" Sam said standing up, she held out her hands signalling for you to get up off the floor

" come on, hawks gonna have a piece of my mind" Sam said walking towards the door

" no sam wait" you said and she stopped

" I don't wanna do this at school" you said

" fine after school" sam smiled

" okay" you smiled back

𝐉𝐚𝐜𝐨𝐛 𝐁𝐞𝐫𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐈𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬 || 𝐂𝐨𝐛𝐫𝐚 𝐊𝐚𝐢 ( discontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now