Jacob - Sneaking Around

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Y/n and Jacob were both in his trailer currently making out, ( feel awkward writing this 😚✌🏻) you both were currently dating you have been for about 8 months now but you were keeping it on the down low, because you didn't want anyone knowing yet until u fully knew the relationship was going somewhere, plus you both liked keeping it a secret.

whilst you were both still currently making out, Jacobs arms were wrapped around your waist whilst your arms were round his shoulders, running your hands through his hair.

But what you didn't know next is the trailer door swung open and in came xolo, looking shocked at to what he was seeing, his two best friends currently making out in the trailer.

you and jacob both reacted quickly and stopped kissing and moved away from each other acting like nothing happened.

" oh hey xolo" you said awkwardly

"Hey guys" xolo said shocked by what he saw he just stood still not knowing what to do.

" what's this, why we're u making out, omg wait are you guys dating. Xolo shouted

" omg xolo, be a quiet, we don't want anyone knowing" Jacob shouted back.

" oh sorry you guys, but what is this is something going on between you two?"

"I" y/n started talking but didn't finish because Jacob interrupted ( how rude of him😪)
" yes" Jacob said rather quickly.
" omg this is huge" xolo said ( I heard this in Miguel's voice, well xolos you know what I mean lmao )

" when did this start happening?" Xolo asked smiling, you could say he was happy about this, he's always had a feeling they we're together he just never mentioned it.

" not long maybe a few months, we wanted to keep it on the down low ya know see how things go between us" y/n said.

" oh okayyyyyy, I'm happy for you guys, plus I had a feeling you guys would get together anyways" a smiling xolo said.

" well now that xolo knows, might aswell tell everyone else, I don't want it to be a secret anymore" Jacob said smiling and looking at you.

" I don't wanna keep it a secret anymore either" you said smiling back.

" let's go tell the others" you said grabbing Jacobs hands.

" let's go" Jacob said
You have Jacob a quick peck on the lips before you both walked out holding hands.

" ewwww" xolo exclaimed.

you and Jacob just laughed and you all walked out of the trailer ready to tell the rest of your friends, and let's just say it all went down well they were all so happy for you both.

A/ N: I have so many drafts that needs finishing and posting, but I'll be finishing them off today, also I'll be writing the rest of your requests today too.

Co stars part 3 coming out today

Have an amazing day where ever you are.

stay gold

Xoxo M

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