Jacob bertrand - Audtions

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today was the day, you were going to audition for a  tv series called cobra Kai it was originally on YouTube but then got put onto Netflix, you were currently auditioning for the role of Jules Martin she'll be arriving into season 3 of cobra Kai. you were really excited but nervous at the same time.

You were currently getting ready you showered and got dressed into some blue baggy jeans and and a light blue sweater ( you can change the outfit if you want.) and you then put on some white air forces on and then dryed and curled your hair.

Once you got ready you then made your way down stairs and grabbed your Keys off the table by the door getting ready to leave.

"I'm leaving now" you shouted

" good luck hunny" your mom shouted

" thankyou, love you bye"

" love you too bye"

You rushed out because you were going to be late. you only had 10 mins and there would've been traffic.

Time skip

you arrived at the place where the auditions are held and you went and sat down on an empty chair not many chairs were left since there's many people auditioning for the role of Jules.

many people were going in and out of the rooms after auditioning.

You were sat on the chair, reading through the audition papers you picked up, once you walked into the room and you started reading through the lines. It says on the script that you're best friends with Miguel and your love interest is hawk. so that means the people who play hawk and Miguel will be coming to do chemistry reads, thinking of that made you even more nervous, you didn't want to mess up and embarrass yourself.

more people were walking in and out of the auditioning room, until your name was called is there a y/n green.

" hi yeah that's me" you said nervously

you started to get really nervous so you just breathed in and out and was whispering to yourself that you'll be fine just don't mess up the lines.

once you walked in the woman introduced you to the people in the room ( are they auditioning people or I dunno what they're called lmao. )

And these are xolo and Jacob, you'll be acting with these two and having chemistry reads.

" heyI'm Jacob"

" hey I'm xolo"

" hi, I'm y/n " you said back


"Hi my names y/n green and I'll be auditioning for the role of Jules Martin"

( I can't write scripts lmao so I'm just gonna skip)

you then finished your chemistry reads with xolo and Jacob.

to say it all went pretty well you didn't mess up the lines once you were proud of yourself.

the auditioning people were off to the side talking about how it went even xolo and Jacob were there too.

"Yeah she's perfect for the role of Jules" they started talking.

" what u guys think" they asked the boys

" yeah she was pretty good" they both said.

" great you can choose who gets to play Jules" they said

" okay" the boys said

" we'll pick y/n she's perfect for the role, plus she gets along with us all, she's extremely talented too" Jacob started saying.

" you got the part y/n, welcome to cobra Kai"

" omg thankyou so much" you said excited

You couldn't wait to go home and tell your family and friends.

" thankyou for coming and congratulations on getting the part" they said to you

" thankyou so much again" you said excited.

you were about to walk out of the room until Jacob stopped you.

" hey y/n welcome to cobra Kai congrats" Jacob said

" thankyou so much" you said smiling

" so the cast and I are gonna be meeting up later today, would u join us, you can meet the whole cast" Jacob asked

" yeah for sure" you said smiling you still couldn't believe you got the part.

" can I have your phone number, just so I can call you when we meet up or when you have to come into work" Jacob asked nervously.

" yeah of course" you said.

You then got your phone out of ur bag, and gave your phone number to Jacob. Once you exchanged phone numbers you then said goodbye.

You could say you were so happy that the auditions went well and you couldn't wait to work with the cobra Kai cast.

Would u want part 2?

A/N: should I make a cobra Kai book ? But Jacob Bertrand where she meets him and they become co stars they fall in love etc. let me know if u want me too🥰

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