Jacob Bertrand 2

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You all got out of the Car and went to hand out the drinks that the people ordered.

once we did that we all went to hair and makeup to start getting ready for the scene we were filming today.

" hey pey, Mary can I talk to u girls for a sec" xolo asked.

" yeah of course" peyton said.

" can we go out here and talk" xolo said pointing outside.

" yeah sure" peyton said confused she was concerned on how nervous he looked.

They all went outside whilst you were sat in the hair and makeup trailer confused on what was going on. You didnt think anything of it so you dropped it and just decided to go on your phone.

Outside the trailer

" hey xolo, what's up" Mary asked

" you seem nervous whats wrong" peyton asked

" it's about Jacob" xolo said

" what about Jacob" the girls asked concerned.

" so urm" xolo started talking

" what xolo" both girls seeming impatient

" hey sorry it's just I'm nervous I care about
Y/n and I don't want her being hurt" xolo said

" hurt by who" Mary asked

" I know how much she likes Jacob I mean anyone can see that she's just oblivious to that anyways jacobs got a girlfriend" xolo rambled and got quiet at the end.

" WHAT" both girls shouted

" shhhh, no one knows yet" xolo said shushing them.

" since when" peyton asked

" A few days ago which is weird he told me how much he liked y/n the he goes and gets a girlfriend" xolo said.

" wait he likes her back" Mary asked smiling

" yeah he does" xolo said smiling

" this is gonna kill her when she finds out, she can't find out" peyton said

" exactly so we need to keep it between us" xolo said.

" okay" both girls agreed not wanting to hurt their bestfriend.

the girls went back into the trailer whilst xolo walked off to find tanner or jacob.

the girls went in and you asked what was up and they said they talked about the the script.
You didn't believe them but you dropped it and just carried on getting ready.

once you were all done you walked out to go change into the Outfit for the scene.

you Mary and peyton walked out and bumped into tanner and Hannah on the way you all said your hellos and walked into different directions.

Time skip cuz I'm lazy asf

It was now time to go and film the Scene you were walking with Mary and peyton and Hannah and all went to stand next to everyone else. 

You were all talking and waiting around for everyone to get here.

that's until he showed up but he wasn't alone he had a girl next to him and he was holding hands with her you were confused with what was going on you thought you both had a thing going on, you thought he would've liked you back because of all the secret kisses you had or the holding hands and all the hugs, but I guess he changed his mind. Everyone saw what u were looking at and they had a look of confusion and sorrow in their eyes.

" hey guys" Jacob said

" hey Jacob who's this" peyton asked slightly angry with the fact he betrayed y/n.

" oh this is my girlfriend serena" Jacob said avoiding eye contact with you.

" we didn't know you had a girlfriend" Mary said making conversation

" yeah I didn't wanna tell anyone yet" Jacob said nervously laughing

Jacob still avoided eye contact with you,
You stood there feeling betrayed and hurt. So you decided to head to your trailer to calm down.

" hey I'm gonna go to my trailer I need a drink" you said making something up to go and leave the Situation.

" I thought he was dating y/n" Someone asked quietly, thinking you couldn't hear but you did but you just Carried on walking.

You were sat in your trailer tears slowly falling out of your eyes, you thought you both had something, the fact we were both acting like a couple and he goes and gets a girlfriend. You feel nothing but hurt knowing how much you loved him but he was with someone else.

you carried on crying knowing you ruined your makeup and it needed to be redone but you didn't care, so you curled up into a ball and let the tears fall.

Mary and peyton and xolo all walked into the trailer and rushed straight over to you and pulled you straight into a hug knowing how hurt you must be.

seeing you like this broke all of their hearts seeing how hurt you really were knowing how deeply you liked him

" h - h how could he be W- w ith her k k knowing we had something going on" you said in a stuttering crying mess.

" I know baby I know" Mary cooed Stroking your hair away from your face.

" hes such an ass for doing that" peyton said

" so much for keeping this a secret from her" xolo said lighting up the mood

The girls just looked over at him

" okay sorry too soon" xolo said holding up his hands

" you guys knew" you sat up and " you didn't tell me"

" we didn't tell you because we didn't want you to be hurt" xolo said

" that's why you took them outside the trailer" you said quietly and standing up

" yeah" xolo said quietly back

" we're really sorry y/n we just care about you you're our best friend" peyton said standing up

" I'm not mad at you guys, I'm just hurt" you said sniffling

" that's exactly why we didn't tell you" Mary said

" I was gonna be hurt either way if I found out" you said laughing to all of them.

They all just laughed and they all pulled y/n into a big hug

" hey look, it's his loss okay" peyton said smiling

" yeah he lost the hottest girl of all time" Mary said hyping you up

You just smiled at them all knowing how lucky you were to have these 3 people in your life.

" now come here another group hug" xolo said

you were all pulled into a hug, "we're all here for you no matter what okay" Mary said

" I know I'm so lucky to have you guys" you said hugging them.

You carried on talking until, the door opened.


𝐉𝐚𝐜𝐨𝐛 𝐁𝐞𝐫𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐈𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬 || 𝐂𝐨𝐛𝐫𝐚 𝐊𝐚𝐢 ( discontinuedWhere stories live. Discover now