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Emily POV
I was home! I was greeted by my parents, sister and niece and nephew. " we missed you babe" my mother hugged me. " missed you, missed you all, I have gift" I said as the kids squealed. " Hunter I have tickets for you to see Liverpool game and meet the players can play  a little game with them too" I passed his tickets. My nephew was a big supporter. Don't judge he's 10. I bought my niece a little mermaid party, so she can visit real mermaids.
My mother and father had taken us for dinner near where I live. " so how long you staying" my sister tess asked. " week probably, I have a Cardiff vidcom to attend to" I said. " yay I get too see you" my niece screamed. " I'd love to be home here more but everyone to films videos with are based in London, and Harriet got me some good people too". " I know love we just miss you" dad spoke. " I miss you all too, that's why I booked all of us a family holiday in September to Florida" I smiled. The kids screamed of excitement as I know they've always wanted to go.
My parents are early birds and I decided to go meet up with some of my friends for a drink in the field. It's classy in wales, Harriet had joined along with mollie, my friend Paige and tez. " missed you em, mollie said you had a rough time away" tez spoke. " ah I just don't wanna talk about it, my psycho ass again" I laughed it off. " don't say that, it's hard for you to meet general people or shag them when you want not as easy for you as it is for me" Paige laughed.
" cheers my ladies" clinking our corna together. We sat and laughed with a fire made in the field. Paige grabbed us some blankets and pillows for a camp out. This was our typical thing when we was younger/ being a youtuber. Getting drunk in a field.
The next morning we woke up from the sunrise to saying our goodbyes to go home. My father had cooked me a full English breakfast for my arrival from camping. " you know kid, your working to hard" he spoke. " I'm fine dad, had a shit holidays that's all. Wasn't relaxing whats so ever. I have September to look forward too". " I know, I know just say no sometimes if you need too". " I know, I'm a big girl, plus Harriets can tell when I need a break". " ok, love you kid". " love you too dad".

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