Chapter 24 - The New God of War

Start from the beginning

Artemis looked up from her sorrows, a sudden evil grin on her face. "So, who's your crush, hm? I'm sure someone on the team has caught your attention. Conner, perhaps?" Raven sighed, before smacking Artemis over the head with a shadow tendril. "Ow!" Artemis called out, not because it hurt, but mostly because she hadn't seen it coming.

Walking around the table and taking a seat directly across from her, Raven put her elbows on the table and rested her head in her hands. "To answer your question, no one on the team has really 'caught my attention' as you put it." She made air quotes before replacing her head back in her hands. "Crushes are something that I'm not really focused on, if I'm being honest. I just want to better myself, and hone my powers so that I'm prepared for anything."

Leaning back in her chair, Artemis gave her a curious look. "You're what, 18? That's your biggest worry right now? Come on, Rae, these next couple years are your prime! You shouldn't take everything so seriously and learn to loosen up a little." Before Raven had a chance to respond, Conner and walked out of one of the training room's and headed over to the sofa, plopping down and looking bored. Artemis and Raven shared a look before silently agreeing to stop talking for now. Well, Artemis hoped it was for now, Raven secretly hoped to never have the conversation again.

As an awkward silence settled over the group, Megan floated out from the hallway that led to her room, as happy and chipper as ever. That didn't last long though as she soon noticed how everyone was just sitting around bored. With a frown, she floated over to where Conner was lounging on the couch and looked up at the girls in the kitchen. They shrugged, and Megan just sighed. "Anyone want to take the bioship for a spin? We could all use some time away from the cave, and it's been awhile since Batman gave us any missions."

"Nah, I think I'm good," Artemis replied.

"Ditto," Raven echoed. She was too tired from sparring with Artemis to really do anything. Conner, however just got up and stretched, looking between everyone before his eyes landed on Megan's upset face.

"I'll go," he offered, surprising everyone. Megan didn't say anything at first, as if processing what he said. After a few seconds though, she smiled brightly, turning around  to head to her bioship. "Great! Let's go then!" Conner looked at the girls in the kitchen and shrugged before following Megan, him having no idea what she even wanted to do.

"Welp, now we're officially alone." Artemis grumbled, getting up to take Conner's now vacant seat on the sofa. Raven didn't acknowledge her statement, instead standing up and heading to her room.

"I'm going to shower and meditate," she stated, following the path that led to her quarters. She opened her door and sighed, she was too tired to really do anything.  Figuring a shower could probably wait, she decided to pass out.


Floating over the mostly red barren landscape, Raven had to mentally withhold a sigh of irritation. It had been awhile since she had a dream-vision, and she had foolishly thought to herself that they were over. Still, curiosity got the better of her and she decided that she might as well look around and see what her dreams were about this time.

Without warning, she found herself being dragged towards a huge, menacing black building surrounded by a river of fire. She was approaching one of the walls fast, and something told her that the wall was in fact, solid. Trying to latch on to anything with her shadow tendrils, it didn't take Raven long to realize that her powers over darkness didn't work on the astral plane.

"Why me?" was all she had time to ask herself as her arms flew to her face and she closed her eyes as she prepared to brace herself for impact, one that never came.

Oceans Wrath (A Percy Jackson/Young Justice crossover) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now