"Yes you are and we're so happy for you" I wanted to cry. I wanted to ball my eyes out at such a moment. An amazing moment where I was about to witness my bestfriend get married

There wasn't a single thing that would ruin this.

"Okay ladies, everyone's ready" Aimee's dad made his presence known

It was time.

Making our way to the doors of the church, I stood in order of Tiana infront of me, then Jamie and then Aimee.

Then it was time for Tiana to make her way down the isle - she sent me a wink over her shoulder as the doors to the church opened and she began her ascent to the front of the church.

And then the doors opened once again and it was my turn.

I inhaled and exhaled out a heavy breath - clasping my hands around the white bouquet of flowers and began to step one shaky foot infront of the other.

I really wish I hadn't missed the rehearsal now.

I couldn't even look up.

My eyes were stuck to flowers in my hands as I gracefully walked in tune to the soft music playing.

It wasn't until I had gotten through the first what felt like hundred rows of people that I felt comfortable to begin to lift my head in search of eyes that I found familiar in the crowds - seeing some of the fashion girls from my university course gushing at me, to even coach Hale sending me a nod of approval. To Liv and Joe grinning like Cheshire cats.

A small bit of confidence struck in my step and I began to smile at the audience, turning my head to look forward at the end of the isle - where I'd make my way to stand for the duration of the ceremony.

But it wasn't even a second after I looked forward - I found my eyes connect with his.


I wanted to shout out at how annoying this tie was, I wanted to claw it off and throw it away. I wanted to- I wanted to do a lot of things but the moment I saw her I stopped. I stopped thinking about my tux. I stopped thinking about everything. I think I even stopped breathing for a moment as I saw those doey brown eyes look up from her bouquet.

My heart skipped a beat, no scratch that, it thumped out of my chest when I saw her.

When I saw that woman make her entrance into the room, my world stopped.

My, oh my, oh my...

My mouth went dry. My jaw refused to shut. My chest was tight. My hands were sweaty and shaky. My head was spinning.

Seeing her - I had to swallow. Seeing her in that dress. In this moment. In the first time in five years did something to me.

My eyes were glued to her the moment she stepped into the room and I don't think that I could make them leave her even if I wanted to.

I watched her intensely. I took in every detail, every single thing I could to just remember this moment.

This exact moment.

To have it.

To breathe it.

For it to be burned into my memory. To have it never leave me.

For me to see her like this, just once. Just for me to see her.

And let me just say, my heart wasn't pounding

It was knocking at the door which was my ribcage

It was crying out loud for my mouth to finally open and say something.

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