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My jaw ticked as I watched her side profile.

As I analysed her movements

I took in everything she did. The way she glanced at her phone. The way she turned it over whenever a notification came through because she refused to work on the day of her friend's wedding.

The way her face would brighten whenever someone she knew from her past came up to her.

It was truly a sight to see.

God, I sounded like a stalker right now, but I couldn't stop. I just couldn't.

Not with her right there - so close and yet so far.

And she wouldn't even glance in my direction. She wouldn't dare to after the ceremony.

In that moment. In that church, during the ceremony neither of us even paid any attention to Aimee and Ollie on their big day - it was bad and I'll admit that, but what me and Naomi had - fuck, it was palpable.

It was alive.

It was set ablaze the second our eyes connected and there was no putting it out.

Neither of us could deny it no matter how much she was ignoring me right now.

*ding ding ding*

The room fell silent with the three taps to a singular champagne flute

"Alright ladies and gentlemen, I think it's time for the wedding speeches" Aimee's father called out as he stood up from his chair, holding his glass of champagne firmly in one hand and the microphone in the other, he cleared his throat

"To my maganda (beautiful) daughter, I am so happy that you have found someone who meets all your standards and more-" he began to say as the crowd cheered, awwwed and laughed at the right moments but for the life of me, I couldn't even pay attention to the speech

I couldn't, not with the woman not even 5 metres away from me not acknowledging me.

Not wanting to talk to me.

Not wanting to talk about us. What happened. Our history and more importantly what the hell just happened between us in the church.

I know she'd felt it. How could she not?

Come on. Just look at me, please.

Please - just do it.

Just look at me and I'll stop. I'll know that you don't feel whatever this is. That you aren't replaying the moment our eyes met for the first time in 5 years over and over again - wanting to relive it.

Come on - just look at me.

I kept saying to myself because that was the one thing convincing me that I wasn't crazy. I wasn't the only one feeling what I felt in that church.

But she hadn't looked at me, and she wouldn't.

"From my own best mate almost getting to her first, eh hem, Theo-" Ollie revealed to the crowd, earning some laughter and a wolf whistle, as he looked over at me with a cheeky grin - referring to when I'd first met Aimee at some party at the start of first year in a garden but R5 told me to leave her alone

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