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As the similar panic and robust atmosphere of a fashion show surrounds me, i have to remind myself that this isn't a fashion show, this is Aimee and Ollie's wedding.

The wedding.

Their wedding.

God, where has the time gone?

I remember what felt like just last week Aimee had walked in on me and, well him - and I was apologising to her for not telling her about my situation and then she told me that I'd been demoted to bridesmaid no longer maid of honour.

Oh and boy did that girl stick to her word, here I am in the wedding party, as a bridesmaid whilst Jamie, who I met briefly back in second year is the maid of- well, man of honour because Aimee being Aimee felt like she had to stick to her word.

I don't care though, I know I could've never been maid of honour, not with how busy I've been over the past month, only just making it to Aimee's bridal shower and hen night by the skin of my teeth, which Jamie organised, well more like Aimee did, but told everyone Jamie did it.

It was good to be with the girls again, and Jamie.

It wasn't as wild as our nights in university, but it definitely did feel like old times.

"Aimee you look amazing" I heard echoed across the room probably for the hundredth time today and I'm not even shocked, she really and truly did.

With her white satin floor length dress, neckline that had sinful lingerie's white lace bra detailing, exposed back and one of the longest trains I've ever seen - Aimee's one of a kind dress was truly made for her. It was a beautiful dress for a beautiful girl.

Sat in the makeup chair, getting my makeup done - i definitely felt like I was on the opposite end of my job today. It was usually the models getting their makeup done and here I was - sat in this chair, getting glammed and prepped as I saw in the coner of my eye - Aimee twirl around in her dress.

She looked absolutely stunning

"Aimee, oh my gosh" Jamie gasped as he made his way into the dressing room.

He held her outstretched hands and shook his head smiling, "I don't think I've ever been happier that I invited you to a certain party all those years ago" he smiled gently as Aimee closed her eyes, titling her chin upwards - trying not to cry - thinking of the story of her and Jamie dancing and making Ollie jealous at some party years ago that she told me all about

Funny how a party could change her life forever.

Smoothing my hands down my nude satin bridesmaid dress, I admired my figure in the mirror.

"You look beautiful Naomi" Tiana softly whispered as she came up behind me

"Thank you" I smiled, "I just can't believe today is the day" I said as I turned around to admire Aimee living out her fairytale fantasy

"Our love obsessed girl is about to have the wedding of her dreams" Tiana grinned as we watched Aimee's parents speak in Filipino to Aimee - no doubt wishing her a successful marriage and great day

I noticed everyone gradually leaving the dressing room to get into position for the ceremony - but me and my girls couldn't go out there without a group hug first.

"Oh my gosh this is really happening. I'm about to get married!" Aimee squealed as she was talking a mile a minute but I just about made out her words as I smiled at her gently

Tiana moved a stray piece of Aimee's hair into the right place as she smoothed Aimee's nerves "This is everything you've ever wanted and it's going to be the wedding"

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