Brisk breeze❤

530 17 0

"Beidou have you seen Kazuha?"

The brown haired captain shook her head, the Alcor was docked right on the bank of Inazuma and everyone had recently returned from the battlefield everyone but Kazuha. You assumed he was talking to Gorou or the traveler but that wouldn't have taken as long as this, so if your intuition was correct..he must be injured.

"Beidou i need to look for him.." the captain shook her head "It's dangerous on the open battlefield, you can hold your own but you can easily get cornered.." you looked down. "But Kazuha could be hurt.." Beidou looked almost as worried as you but to keep you calm she had to act as if things were fine. "Kazuha will be alright, he knows how to avoid a fight if he can't win it so please sit tight."

"Beidou, i can't just sit tight and wait for him he's-" Beidou nodded, "I know, trust me i would go out myself if i thought something was up. He'll be back in no time" the captain pat your head to urge you to relax. But, you couldn't sit still and wait for the anemo sword user to return after all so without the captains knowledge you got of the Alcor and ran along the beach.

With the wind as your guide and as your helper, you had the speed that the samurai in heavy armor did not. You looked around and found nothing that would lead you to Kazuha and in your haste to find him you didn't take notice of the soldier's sneaking up behind you and by the time you noticed him you had no way to block him.

But you didn't have to, the sound of clashing steel rang throughout the air as Kazuha's blade fought the samurai's sword. "What are you doing here Y/n?!" you quickly stood up as Kazuha sent himself into the air and came crashing down again, successfully scaring off the soldier. "i was looking for you! are you.."

Kazuha gave you a pained look before stumbling and toppling onto you for support, "You could have gotten hurt worse then me, please don't do something like this again.." you looked around for a safe place to take care of him and saw a small wrecked ship, it's hollow shell looking somewhat intact. "Can you walk?" the wandering samurai nodded, "just help me a bit please" he used your support to walk as you both made your way over.

"How long have you been hurt?" you asked as you carefully sat him down in a safe and comfortable place, "I don't know..thirty minutes?" you took some bandages from your bag and leaned a bit closer. "Could you um.." Kazuha lifted his shirt a bit enough for you to see the wound, "I love you.." Kazuha muttered while you bandaged his wounds.

"I love you too, but please stop moving around.." he sighed, trying to fully relax his body "come a bit closer would you?" you leaned a bit closer to him, meeting his gaze for a brief moment before shaking your head. "Wait for a bit ok? when we get to the Alcor where you can rest more comfortably and after Beidou chews me out, we can cuddle a bit alright?"

He hummed, shutting his eyes for a brief moment while you finished wrapping up his wound "This can be properly healed at the boat..but we stick out like a sore thumb out here.." Kazuha sat up more. "It's safe in here, if one of us keeps watch we can leave under the shelter of the night"

"But if your wounds get worse and need immediate medical attention? I can't treat you.." you tried to help him up but he was too weak to move that much. "But if i move my wounds might open up and bleed more, i feel we should not risk losing more blood when i can fair right here" You frowned, "Alright but if..if someone finds us please don't get up to fight them.."

The man dressed in maple red clothing smiled softly and patted the dry spot besides him "I'll take watch first then.. rest a little bit for me alright?" although you wished to contest, he was difficult to argue with at times so you obliged and sat besides him. For a while you pretended to sleep whilst he showed signs of falling asleep.

Once his head laid against you, you watched the wrecks entrance for any pirates or Shoganate that felt like exploring. The voices of the unknown came from outside the wreck, with Kazuha slumped onto you it would be fairly hard to move him off without alerting him but then again he probably already knew they were here.

"i won't move, i get the feeling it will lead to an unnecessary fight so just sit still and quiet.." you froze when his voice and breath slightly tickled your neck. He weakly drew him hand to his lips and watched the shadows that came through the wrecked boats cracks.

Kazuha's cold red eyes followed the silhouette's closely before his body got to weak for his head to stay up. "Are you sure they went this way?" one asked "Well..i couldn't miss the lad dressed in red but..with all this rain maybe i was disoriented..?" the soldier that spoke second sounded a bit anxious.

"Forget it, we'll find that eventually.." with that the two soldier's left, taking their shadow's with them. A breath you were holding in was quickly released and Kazuha chuckled a bit, "Sometimes fighting is not required when the other party is not perceptive" he nuzzled against your shoulder a bit before he began to fall into slumber.

With the soldier's still lingering about to try and find you, there was no other choice but to leave at night and you both did just that.

Upon returning to the Alcor Beidou gave you an ear full before you pointed out Kazuha would have been in much worse shape if you didn't stumble across him, or technically he stumbled across you.

The day died out and night overcame the dark, through the night you comforted your white haired boyfriend until you were both asleep embracing the other..