Science experiments💛

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⁛—⁛"I hear kisses in the rain are the loveliest ones"⁂

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

"I hear kisses in the rain are the loveliest ones"

"Hey Albedo" The alchemist slightly jumped when you wrapped your arms around the back of his neck and planted a small kiss on the back of it. "You never have all your hair up, what's the occasion?" he shivered a little bit with your voice in his ear "It's hot here in Liyue, and i'm gathering ingredients so I'm getting too hot with my hair on my neck"

"Ah, i suppose that's fair. Need help with anything?" In the wilderness of Liyue plants grew abundant and were available for anyone to harvest. But by the gods it was hotter then the most active Volcano in Natlan in the middle of the day here, but luckily the sea breeze cooled off the harbor but didn't reach far enough into the land to cool you or your lovely companion down.

"No, harvesting mint isn't too difficult, perhaps when we go find cor lapis then you and your claymore may be more helpful" you let go of him and got in front of him. "This would go faster if you let me help you know, I'm useful in other things besides mining" he tied the bag of mint closed "I'm aware, but when you tried to help me gather calla lily's in Mondstadt you got preoccupied trying to catch a frog.."

"I wasn't trying to catch it! I just.." he smiled slightly, "My angel, though i appreciate it you really aren't the best at gathering herbs" he held your face as he spoke. Rubbing away some dirt on your cheek before stepping back, "But if you still want to help, then you can help me sort through these to tell which are useful or not. Unless you want to get distracted chasing a butterfly"

"I don't chase butterflies!" he raised his brows and narrowed his eyes, "Is that so? If my memory serves correctly, you were chasing one yesterday to try and catch it for me" his smug expression frustrated you to no end. "I was trying to help! But since it was obviously no good then i'll just go put myself to use for a change huh?"

Albedo watched your retreating figure, retracing his words before a sigh left his mouth "Ah, i shouldn't have said that.." he set the bag of mint down before chasing after you before you could run off too far and end up lost. 


"Stupid.." you slammed your claymore against the ground and sent a group of slimes flying, they weren't quite defeated yet so a small geyser erupted below them to make sure they were defeated. Fighting in the heat wasn't exactly the best idea especially without something to drink because by now you were sweating more then what you've drank.

With the ruthless heat pounding down against you, a small sigh escaped your tired body as the heat and altitude made breathing more difficult. You sat down and rested your claymore on your lap, your guard down and your chest slightly heaving.

ONCE THE STARS FALL--GENSHIN ONESHOTS{REQUESTS OPEN}Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin