Lantern light💚

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"Living in pain for two thousand years to watch trash float out to the sea.."

"I'm not going to watch some glowing trash float over the ocean on the busiest night i have every year" Xiao crossed his arms. "I figured you'd listen to me instead of the traveler since I've known you before you were given the name Xiao but if your so contempt with staying at the inn then alright"

Usually you were a lot more pushy then this, "And by a busy night you mean fighting right? Maybe if i helped you then we could both hurry to the lantern festival!" Xiao let out a frustrated sigh. "No" was his simple and short answer but would you listen to him about something you've already decided? No way.

"I've made up my mind, you can't change it. So while we're here I'm going to go fetch my vision just in case and we'll be off yeah?" He looked to the sky from the balcony as it began to dim. "Fine.." The yaksha tried to initiate a quick hug but ended up failing miserably, but you still happily accepted his affection.

You put your chin on his shoulder and hummed, "If you're too tired to go to the festival after we finish fighting then I'll go alone.." he was quick to deny that outcome. "I'll go with you if we don't go into the city" he pat your back lightly before breaking from the warm hug, "Really? Great!" he watched you run off and down the stairs to fetch your vision from your room.

"That girl.." Xiao put on a pensive expression with his brows slightly furrowed, though despite his frustration he waited the short period of time it took for you to grab your vision. It was late afternoon when Xiao and you left and got to work with fighting off hilichurls infected with Xiao's karma.

By the time you were done the sun had just set so in your desperation to reach Liyue before people stopped sending out their lanterns and to see the Minxiao, you were rushing down the path to the harbor. Xiao didn't understand your haste and abundant energy, he was tired and needed the sleep only you could help provide. 

But he told himself this would just be his way of subtly thanking you, after all he barely ever joined you when you left the Inn to go to Liyue for a day or two to see Zhongli and Qiqi. So, without any hesitation he followed you down the path a bit slower after all he didn't have the energy you did, especially so late.

You both reached the harbor shortly, walking over the hill you smiled seeing none of the lanterns have taken flight yet. "Xiao come on, let's find a place to sit" the yaksha gasped sharply when you took hold of his hand and pulled him behind you over to the cliff. he watched you sit down but since he was a little on edge he chose to continue to stand.

Crossing his arms as he thought to himself, what was so mesmerizing about watching paper float into the ocean? As a boy who hasn't experienced much good in his life, he simply didn't understand it and you could obviously tell.

"They lit lanterns back during the archon war to guide the souls of the fallen back home"

He looked down at you while you stared at the ocean shimmering with moonlight, a somber expression plastering your face. "This event isn't about watching paper float into the sea, it commemorates the fallen adepti, the yaksha's and soldiers..but if you are so hell bent on not taking interest in human cultures then you don't have to listen to me"

His golden gaze narrowed, a small pang in his heart making him slightly wince; he didn't often feel guilty over something so simple. "sorry, i didn't mean to sound defensive." he shook his head and crouched beside you "I suppose i can be ignorant sometimes" he pat your head before standing back up.

Just as his gaze returned to the harbor he noticed warm light beginning to flood the sky, lanterns beginning to litter the sky like stars. A good few floated towards the both of you, Xiao was hypnotized, but despite his memorization an idea popped into his head.

"Hey" you turned your head and raised a brow at the hand he was offering, "We're not leaving right?" he shook his head so you took the hand he offered. "The hydro yaksha taught me how to dance hundreds of years ago, i would..really like to dance with you" the blush and embarrassment that spred across his face made you smile like an idiot.

"Of course Xiao, i'd love to" he dared not look you in the eye in fear you'd see just how nervous he was, what if he stepped on your foot on accident? Or if his hand wanders to far accidentally? What if his dancing isn't even that good?

"Xiao, you're not very good at masking your emotions around me" he slowly made eye contact with you as he began to sway with you in his hold. "I'm not a very good dancer so if anyone is going to screw up it'll probably be me" you said "Well i don't want to..let my hands wander..i don't want you to be uncomfortable"

"You're sweet, you know that?" he shook his head with pink dusting his cheeks, "I am..not sweet" he watched your eyes soften, lanterns hovering above you both to provide a comforting amount of warm light. You leaned in and gave him a quick kiss, watching his face get even worse "I've kissed you hundreds of times, you're still not used to it?"

"I'll never be used to it.."

With lanterns to accompany the two busy bodies, they swayed and danced under the orange light of the lanterns. You both stayed like that until the lanterns faded too far in the distance for their light to reach you, after that Xiao sluggishly made his way back to the inn with your hand in his.

you told the stars goodnight.

the harbor.

and now, the lanterns..