Bleed true💫

581 17 1

You sat alone in your office, sifting through papers and files sent to you from others. You worked as a executive officer in the Fatui's health branch, helping some recover physical or mental wounds and being skilled in the art of healing magic. The vision you wielded was a pyro vision, using gentle flames to heal or flames hotter then the sun to kill.

Though you were mostly a peaceful soul, helping those who are trying to fulfil the wishes of the Tsaritsa was just your job. No relationships required, no bonds needed to be made just a doctor and her patient; nothing more. But that's what you thought when you started this job, a year after starting to work here for the first time ever the 6th harbinger came into your office with bloody clothing.

At first you assumed it was someone elses blood but why would he be here if he wasn't hurt? Despite the fact there were more experienced doctors in the office, he came to you, from there a relationship bloomed but he has yet to return any feelings to you. But you didn't expect him to, after all he was a harbinger of death whom needed no one especially not you.

And yet trying to work these thoughts away didn't work very well, he managed to stay on your brain whether you were working or sleeping. On occasion you would wish he would get hurt just to visit you..

You stacked the papers neatly and approached your office door, it was late and the early moonlight was peeking through the windows of the office. "Ok..if i give Gustav these papers tonight he should be able to look over them in the morning.." you laid the stack of files on the reception so they could be there for Gustav in the morning.

"Hey, dumbass.." the sudden voice made you screech, readying your spear but finding whom was the source of the voice made you relax. "What happened this time.." Scaramouche sighed, holding his side with a glare piercing you. "None of your damn business..fix me up" you shook your head, "I've told you, if you don't respect me i'm not respecting you"


"we're both at the same level of status, only difference is you're stronger then me. Say please and maybe i'll reconsider"

The blue haired male swallowed his pride, mustering up his voice to speak clearly "Would you, please? And hurry, this hurts like hell" you sighed. "Alright, c'mon.." he followed you to your office where you could work in peace, most of the things in there were fire proof for the sake of your work.

"If you would.." You pointed at his shirt that had grown red with blood, "Why don't you do it? I'm the patient here" you glared at him while he grinned at you. "I'm not your mother" he snickered "But you're my doctor, aren't you?" for a few seconds, he exchanged an odd glance with you, one that wasn't angry or playful but rather in his eyes was pain.

He must be genuinely hurting if he was letting you see it, and so you sluggishly removed his bloodied shirt with a face more red then your vision. "Wow..what did you fight?" he blinked a bit and turned his head away, "I slipped up, ended up cutting myself.." he looked a fair bit ashamed so you didn't poke and prod at his pride.

"Mistakes are mistakes..but do be more careful in the future..yada yada all the doctor lecture stuff.." you gently felt the wound up a bit, it reached the bottom of his torso and went off to his side. "If you went to anyone else this would take all night to fix..stitches..maybe a good hundred but luckily i can directly heal the wound.."

Your vision glowed, warm flames surrounding your fingers "Hey" you glanced up at him with nothing but curiosity. "You look good from here" he chuckled while you rolled your eyes, "You'd look better with a black eye i'd wager" he brought his hand to the top of your head. "You're getting delusional from losing so much blood"

"Hm..mhm" he tilted his head, playing with your hair a little bit "You look good from lot's of angles other then below me, y'know?" he smiled whilst you focused on his wound. "I'm almost finished" You ignored his delusional thoughts since they would likely mean nothing later when he recollected his thoughts.

Seconds later you were finished, "there, go home but if you can't you can stay in one of the rooms here" you stood up. "But i get the feeling you didn't have time to bring extra clothes.." his fingers traced the place where his wound once was. "I find it fascinating, the ability to heal as if nothing ever happened.."

"Answer me, did you bring extra clothing or not?" he shook his head, "Ugh..alright, um there should be hospital gowns somewhere in storage.." he stood up and then toppled back onto the chair. "You're light headed from blood loss, if you could sit tight for a moment or two i will be right back"

You left your office with the door slightly opened and speed walked to the storage closets, You were a bit surprised with yourself. Able to hold out and keep your red face hidden until you left his sight, in a way you felt like a giddy schoolgirl with the stupid slime on your face. "Stop thinking weird thoughts, grab a hospital gown and go.."

You hastily grabbed the gown and left the storage, vision continuing to glow under the moonlight that shined through the windows. "Hey" you entered your office again to find he had moved to the couch and began to drift into slumber, "Wake up, if you fall asleep on my office couch shirtless everyone's gonna give us weird looks for a few weeks"

He groaned, side glancing at you "And the hospital beds are more comfortable, so put this on and go sleep in one of those" he sat up, "You live right next to this place correct? Take me there" you crossed your arms. "You want to go to my house? The moment you leave this building you are no longer considered my patient so i really don't have to oblige"

"..fine, goodnight then" 
